Vincent’s Picks

Jamie Mah
Track and Food
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2016

Our guide to helping you choose the best.

We all need a Vincent in our lives. Someone we can lean on when things look bleak and dire. Going to the movie store back in the day could be a daunting task. There you are, standing amongst hundreds of movies of which a large number you know very little about. You reach for one because the title sounded interesting or because the cover caught your eye. You read the back and try your best to gain insight into how the story might unfold. Invariably, you wince at the prospect of choosing something bad. So in turn you reach out for a Vincent. That one trusted friend or guide for whom you can use to help you make that better choice.

In this scene Elaine is looking to find a great movie to watch. Vincent was her guide. He was a 15 year old pimple faced teenager with great taste. We like Vincent. Again nobody wants to be Gene.

Using this example for our own purposes, we’d like to become your Vincent. Therefore, moving forward we’ll be publishing our own set of recommendations under the Vincent’s Picks headline. There you’ll find our choices for great restaurants, wine, food and anything else we deem Vincent worthy. Like Vincent did for Elaine we’d like to build your trust and loyalty. Come to us often if you’re looking for some guidance. We promise to never betray you.



Jamie Mah
Track and Food

Track and Food (Editor, Podcast Host) | Scout Magazine (Contributor) | Sommelier | NBA junkie and lover of a good cookie.