I started track by accident (personal connection)

Kaylee Larson
track run track
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2018

I started track by accident, well not exactly, you see I was a super active kid, I was always in a sport, but one sport stuck out the most. My whole life I played soccer and I loved it, I mean really, really loved it. I played super competitive soccer all the way up into seventh grade but one game I got hurt, I dislocated my knee and tore my patella ligament. I couldn’t walk for 3 months and I had to go to physical therapy for around six months. I tried to go back to soccer after I was healed but It just wasn’t the same. I no longer had the drive to play and compete like I had previously done prior to my injury. So, because I could no longer play and enjoy soccer the way I did before, I quit. After I quit soccer, I didn’t really know what to do so I played basketball in the winter and I loved that, but I didn’t love it nearly as much as I loved soccer. After the basketball season ended, I still didn’t have anything to do because I was no longer in soccer. I decided to go out for track. Immediately I had found my passion. I loved running it was my thing, my brother also did track and was extremely good at it so he motivated me to be better. This past year, my freshman year, I got the opportunity to be on the varsity track team. I had found my passion and I knew what I was made to do.

