Building a Data Lake on AWS: A Comprehensive Guide

Adithya Bodi
Published in
11 min readJun 27, 2023
Building a Data Lake on AWS: A Comprehensive Guide


A data lake is a centralized repository that allows users to store and analyze vast amounts of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in its raw form. Unlike traditional data warehouses, data lakes retain data in its original format until it’s required for analysis. This flexibility enables businesses to perform advanced analytics, gain actionable insights, and drive data-driven decision-making.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides a comprehensive suite of services that assist in building robust and scalable data lakes on the cloud. This range of services includes storage, data processing, cataloging, analytics, and visualization, making it an ideal platform for building and managing data lakes.

Below is a detailed guide that covers various aspects of building a data lake on AWS, from architecture and planning to setting up, ingesting, and managing data. The guide aims to provide readers with a thorough understanding of how to leverage AWS services to build and maintain a reliable data lake.

Understanding Data Lakes

Image of a data lake in AWS — Components of a data lake

Definition and Components of a Data Lake

Data lakes consist of three key components: data storage, data catalog, and data analysis. The data storage component typically consists of using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing data in its raw format. The data catalog component is usually powered by AWS Glue, a data integration service that helps catalog and prepare data for analysis. The data analysis component often includes services like Amazon Athena and Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) used for efficient querying, analytics, and processing of data.

Key Features and Advantages of AWS Data Lakes

AWS provides several key features that make it an ideal platform for data lake implementations. These features include scalability, durability, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, security, and seamless integration with other AWS services. Building data lakes on AWS allows companies to handle large volumes of data, ensure data durability through redundancy, and optimize costs by taking advantage of AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Common Use Cases for Data Lakes on AWS

Common use cases for data lakes include data analytics, business intelligence, machine learning, IoT data analysis, log analysis, fraud detection, and customer behavior analysis. Data lakes provide valuable business insights and drive innovation by ingesting, processing, and analyzing diverse data types from multiple sources.

Planning Your Data Lake on AWS

Planning your data lake on AWS.

Defining Objectives and Goals

It is essential to clearly define objectives and goals before building a data lake on AWS. These can include improving data accessibility, enabling self-service analytics, accelerating time-to-insights performance, facilitating data-driven decision-making, and fostering innovation within the organization. Defining clear goals assists in making informed decisions during the planning and implementation phases.

Identifying Data Sources and Types

Proper identification of data sources and data types to be ingested into the data lake is crucial. Data sources can include transactional databases, log files, streaming data, social media feeds, sensor data, and more. Understanding the different data types and formats such as structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, helps in the selection of appropriate AWS services for ingestion, processing, and analysis.

Architectural Considerations and Design Patterns

Architectural considerations play a vital role in the success of a data lake implementation. The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • Data ingestion patterns
  • Data transformation requirements
  • Data access patterns
  • Security and compliance requirements
  • Integration with existing systems

AWS provides architectural design patterns and principles that can guide companies in designing a robust and scalable data lake architecture.

Evaluating and Selecting AWS Services for the Data Lake

AWS offers a diverse array of services that can be leveraged to build a data lake. The selection of services is often reliant on the specific requirements of the implementation. Services such as Amazon S3 for data storage, AWS Glue for data cataloging and ETL, Amazon Athena for serverless querying, and AWS EMR for big data processing are commonly used in data lake implementations. Evaluating and selecting the right combination of services is essential for a successful data lake deployment.

Setting Up Your AWS Data Lake

Setting up your data lake on AWS

Creating an AWS Account and Configuring Security Settings

To begin setting up the AWS data lake, an AWS account is required. During the account setup, it is crucial to configure appropriate security settings, including IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies, security groups, encryption options, and network settings. Security best practices should be followed to ensure data protection and compliance with industry standards.

Setting Up Amazon S3 for Data Storage

Amazon S3 serves as the primary data storage layer for the data lake. Essential steps in the setup process include:

  • Creating an S3 bucket
  • Defining the appropriate access controls
  • Encryption settings
  • Versioning options

Amazon S3 provides high scalability, durability, and availability, making it an ideal choice for storing large volumes of data.

Configuring AWS Glue for Data Cataloging and ETL

AWS Glue is a fully-managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that simplifies the process of cataloging and preparing data for analysis. Setting up AWS Glue involves four steps:

  • Step 1: Creating a data catalog
  • Step 2: Defining crawler configurations to automatically discover and catalog data
  • Step 3: Creating and running ETL jobs
  • Step 4: Managing metadata

AWS Glue enables the transformation of raw data into a queryable and analyzable format.

Integrating Amazon Athena for Serverless Querying

Amazon Athena is a serverless query service that helps analyze data stored in S3 using standard SQL queries. Setting up Amazon Athena requires three steps:

  • Step 1: Defining the database and table schemas (not required if a crawler was run as specified in the previous section)
  • Step 2: Configuring query result locations
  • Step 3: Granting appropriate permissions for accessing data

Amazon Athena provides a convenient way to interactively query data stored in the data lake without the need for infrastructure provisioning or management.

Optional: Adding Amazon EMR for Big Data Processing

For scenarios requiring complex data processing, Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) can be integrated into the data lake architecture. Amazon EMR provides a managed big data processing framework that supports popular processing engines such as Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop. Setting up Amazon EMR requires three steps:

  • Step 1: Defining cluster configurations
  • Step 2: Launching and managing clusters
  • Step 3: Executing data processing jobs at scale

Ingesting and Managing Data in the Data Lake

Ingesting and managing data in the data lake on AWS. ETL

Data Ingestion Methods and Best Practices

Ingesting data into the data lake can be achieved through several methods, including batch ingestion, streaming ingestion, and direct data integration. AWS provides services such as AWS Data Pipeline, AWS Glue, Amazon AppFlow, and AWS Kinesis to facilitate data ingestion. Best practices for data ingestion include data validation, data compression, error handling, and monitoring.

Extracting, Transforming, and Loading (ETL) Data with AWS Glue

AWS Glue simplifies the ETL process by automating the extraction, transformation, and loading of data from multiple sources. Glue jobs can be created to do the following:

  • Transform raw data into a desired format
  • Apply data cleansing and enrichment
  • Load transformed data into the data lake.

AWS Glue also provides visual tools and pre-built transformations that simplify the process of building scalable and efficient ETL workflows.

Managing Data Catalog and Metadata with AWS Glue Data Catalog

The AWS Glue Data Catalog acts as a centralized metadata repository for the data lake. It stores metadata information such as table definitions, schema details, and data partitions. Managing the data catalog requires two steps:

  • Step 1: Configuring metadata databases, tables, and partitions
  • Step 2: Ensuring data catalog integrity and consistency

The data catalog enables users to easily discover, explore, and analyze data within the data lake.

Data Governance and Access Control Best Practices

Data governance and access control are critical to data lake management. AWS provides several mechanisms for implementing data governance including:

  • IAM policies
  • S3 bucket policies
  • AWS Glue security configurations

Additionally, AWS Lake Formation can play a pivotal role in managing resources and permissions associated with the data lake. Lake Formation simplifies data lake management by providing comprehensive control and oversight. The service helps establish and enforce data access policies, define fine-grained permissions, and manage resource-level permissions efficiently.

One powerful feature offered by AWS Lake Formation is the ability to assign LF (Lake Formation) tags to specific columns or tables. These tags enable partial access control, allowing companies to grant or restrict access based on user requirements. For example, User A can access all tables except the columns labeled with the “sensitive” LF tag. This granular access control provides enhanced data security.

In addition to data governance and access control, implementing encryption mechanisms can also be prioritized to ensure adherence to data privacy regulations.

Analyzing and Visualizing Data in the Data Lake

Visualizing data on the data lake on AWS

Querying Data with Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena enables the querying of data stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL queries. Users can create tables, define data schemas, and run ad hoc queries against the data lake. Amazon Athena supports multiple data formats, including CSV, JSON, Parquet, and Apache Avro. Query results can be exported to various formats or integrated with other AWS services for further analysis.

Leveraging Amazon QuickSight for Data Visualization

Amazon QuickSight is a business intelligence and data visualization service that integrates seamlessly with data lakes on AWS. It allows users to create interactive dashboards, visualizations, and reports using data from the data lake. Setting up Amazon QuickSight requires connecting to the data lake as a data source, defining data transformations, and creating visualizations using a drag-and-drop interface.

Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning on AWS

AWS provides a range of advanced analytics and machine learning services that can be integrated with the data lake for more sophisticated analysis. The following services can be leveraged:

  • Amazon Redshift: Data warehouse used to efficiently store and organize large volumes of data. Redshift can be used to perform complex queries and analyses of data.
  • Amazon SageMaker: Cloud machine-learning platform used to build, train, and deploy machine-learning models using the data in the data lake. The trained models help extract valuable insights, make predictions, and automate decision-making processes.
  • Amazon Forecast: Time-series forecasting service used to generate accurate forecasts and predictions from historical data stored in the data lake. These forecasts can help businesses optimize inventory management, demand planning, and resource allocation.

Data Lake Maintenance and Monitoring

Data Lake Monitoring Best Practices

Monitoring the health and performance of a data lake is crucial to ensuring uninterrupted service. AWS provides services like Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS Glue DataBrew for monitoring various aspects of the data lake, including resource utilization, data quality, job executions, and data lineage. Implementing proactive monitoring practices helps in detecting issues and optimizing the data lake’s performance.

Data Lake Performance Optimization Techniques

To achieve optimal performance, companies can employ established techniques such as partitioning data, optimizing query performance, and using appropriate compression formats. AWS Glue DataBrew can be used to profile and optimize data quality and structure. Properly configuring and tuning the data lake components and leveraging AWS best practices can significantly enhance overall performance. Files can also be converted into columnar formats such as Parquet or Avro to reduce the number of files to be scanned for analysis and enable cost optimization.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategies

Backup and disaster recovery strategies protect the data lake from data loss and ensure business continuity. AWS provides services and features such as AWS Backup and AWS S3 versioning to create automated backup schedules, define retention policies, and restore data in case of disasters or accidental deletions.

Security and Compliance Considerations

Ensuring data lake security and compliance is critical for any organization running business-critical workloads in the cloud. The following AWS security best practices can be followed to ensure security:

  • Implementing encryption mechanisms for data at rest and in transit
  • Enabling audit logging
  • Regularly updating security configurations.

Compliance requirements such as GDPR or HIPAA should also be considered and addressed to ensure data privacy and regulatory compliance within the data lake.

Additional Data Lake Concepts and Strategies

Data Lake Integration with Other AWS Services

AWS provides a vast ecosystem of services that can be integrated with the data lake to extend its capabilities. Integration with services like AWS Lambda for serverless computing and AWS Step Functions for workflow orchestration helps build more sophisticated data processing workflows and enhance data lake functionality.

Note: As of June 2023, AWS Step Functions are not well-integrated with AWS Glue. It is currently recommended to use Glue workflows for workflow orchestration.

Real-Time Streaming and IoT Data in the Data Lake

Integrating real-time streaming data and IoT data into the data lake opens up new possibilities for real-time analytics and insights. AWS services such as Amazon Kinesis and AWS IoT Core facilitate the ingestion and processing of streaming and IoT data. Combining batch and streaming data helps derive valuable real-time insights from the data lake.


Building a data lake on AWS helps unlock the value of data, gain actionable insights, and drive innovation. However, the process of building a data lake on AWS requires thorough planning, architectural considerations, and choosing the right combination of AWS services. Following the comprehensive guide outlined in this article allows companies to take the first steps toward building a robust and scalable data lake on AWS.

Next Steps

Implementing a data lake on AWS can be a complex endeavor that requires expertise in data analytics workflows, architectural design, and AWS services. To ensure a smooth and successful implementation, it is advisable for companies to partner with an AWS Partner like TrackIt that has deep expertise in building data lakes and implementing data analytics solutions.

TrackIt can provide guidance throughout the entire process, from planning and architecture design to implementation and ongoing maintenance. TrackIt’s experience and knowledge in working with AWS services and data analytics workflows can significantly accelerate the development of a robust and efficient data lake.

About TrackIt

TrackIt is an Amazon Web Services Advanced Tier Services Partner specializing in cloud management, consulting, and software development solutions based in Marina del Rey, CA.

TrackIt specializes in Modern Software Development, DevOps, Infrastructure-As-Code, Serverless, CI/CD, and Containerization with specialized expertise in Media & Entertainment workflows, High-Performance Computing environments, and data storage.

In addition to providing cloud management, consulting, and modern software development services, TrackIt also provides an open-source AWS cost management tool that allows users to optimize their costs and resources on AWS.

