Zilliqa, the future is now.

TI Naugs
Trade Crypto Live
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2018

TCL FundamentalšŸ”„Team Coin Spotlight:

Zilliqa ($ZIL)

What is Zilliqa?

A next Generation high-throughput public blockchain platform designed to scale to thousands of transactions per second.

Zilliqa is a play on words. As silica is silicon and it powers the computing industry, the team hopes ZILLIQA will power the next generation of high-throughput applications.

They are rated #25 on CMC and on multiple ratings sites and lists it repeatedly breaks into the top 20 current crypto projects.

They currently hold a Market Cap over half a billion

How does ZIlliqa Work?

The Whitepaper is very technical and truly outlines the full scope of what Zilliqa is trying to do.

They use sharding often referred to as linear scalability, to increase throughput and the more miners and nodes the faster and faster it gets.

Linear scalability, in the case of ZILLIQA means that the more miners and nodes participate, the more transactions the network can process and this happens at an almost linear rate. Most blockchains do not yield higher throughput when the network expands. Rather, the rate of return decreases the larger the network gets.

As an example, currently when new miners join the Ethereum network the transactions need to be broadcast to both the old and new miners before being confirmed. This means, as more and more miners join the network, each data block has to travel to more places before being made a part of the blockchain. This makes the network slower just as distributing information to many people is slower than to a small number of people. This is the reason why many solutions to accelerate transaction throughput rely on restricting the number of nodes (e.g., permissioned blockchains). None of those solutions allow linear scaling as ZILLIQA does.

Linear scaling and using shards in the case of the blockchain, means that each node will have only a part of the data on the blockchain, and not the entire information. Nodes that maintain a shard maintain information only on that shard in a shared manner. So within a shard, the decentralization is still maintained. However, each node doesnā€™t load the information on the entire blockchain, and that helps improve scalability and speed.

As mentioned all transactions are processed on chain and they do not require second layer solutions.

Zilliqa is already faster then Bitcoin and Ethereumā€¦ ok maybe not that impressive but they are also faster then VISA!

The Proof of Work they use is leveraged by Zillqa to establish mining identities. The PoW defends against Sybil attacks and is also used to perform network sharding creating linear scaling. Unlike other PoW-based blockchains, ZILLIQA does not use the PoW as itā€™s consensus.

ZILLIQA uses an optimized practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant (pBFT) protocol for consensus.
For any one interested here is an easy to follow example and definition of the Byzantine Fault Tolerance.


Whoā€™s with Zilliqa?

The Team and Partners:
MindShare (Where advertising suffers from ad frauds and too many intermediaries that reduce the value that the advertisers get for their money, Mindshare is using Zilliqaā€™s blockchain to resolve these issues and more.)

Technical Partners:
-Bluzelle (high-security decentralized database that scales with your users.)
-Genaro Network (The First Blockchain 3.0 Ecosystem Built on a Turing-Complete Public Chain with Decentralized Storage.)

dApps on Zilliqa:
-Spokkz (decentralized media marketplace)
-Inmediate (smart contract insurance)
-Impetus One (behavioural economics app)
-BOLT (access to info and entertainment in emerging markets)

The team is a great balance of business experience , traditional education and blockchain expertise. Maybe the most PhDā€™s per capita that Iā€™ve seen in a while.

The Future of Zilliqa:

Currently it is an ERC20 token but in the next 2 months they will have their Mainnet launch! They launched Testnet 1.0 and are now running 2.0. Both were released earlier this year and well before the end of 2018 is the Mainnet launch. Impressive development.

Fundamental Finale: šŸ

Zilliqa is bringing the future of scalable, decentralized, on-chain platforms to us today. Their mainnet launch is highly anticipated and it should take ZiIliqa to the next level of brand awareness and greatly increase their use case in a market that is hungry for faster, more secure and scalable platforms.

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TI Naugs
Trade Crypto Live

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