Former Krispy Kreme Doughnut Maker Turned Business Editor, Interested in S.C. Coffee Shop Owners

L. Woods
Trade Storytelling
6 min readAug 28, 2023


The exact machine I worked on in the Krispy Kreme at 1806 N. Kings Hwy in Myrtle Beach. Why not write for one cool coffee shop in the Pee Dee? Image from Trip.

The quality of writing that my Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service can do for your South Carolina coffee shop is many times better, at a price that’s a fraction of what they’re asking you to pay every month at your online marketing company, I am absolutely sure of it.

Know why? Because, they can’t afford to put the time in like I can with you to develop that kind of high-quality story that transcends the online environment.

Sure, these companies have waaay more money than me, a former Labor Worker turned Business Editor over the last twelve years (go figure). But, I’m so much more rich with time than any digital marketing company, because I only work with one business at a time.

In my opinion, my way is so much more fun and productive! I can focus on the stories that particular business owner truly likes and enjoys telling people from the heart, interview people in and around their business for stories…basically everything they wouldn’t let me do when I used to freelance for various online marketing companies (there are hundreds, maybe thousands of them out there, who knows, man).

All many of those agencies do is load up articles with keywords related to your business (in this case, it’s coffee shops in SC). This is called keyword stuffing, and Google hates it.

Contact me today at (843) 246–5387 (text first, please) for Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Services at Trade Storytelling, any day of the week from Noon to 8 EST. Original image of me walking home (you can see the headphones in my hands!) making a pit stop at Horry Georgtown Technical College when I lived in Conway, SC back in 2016.

Also, a whole lot of the written work these agencies provide is not entertaining or very helpful to the business owner or their customers, and won’t get your business to the level of actually being published in a national or international trade journal for retail establishments.

The Bad Writing By Some Copywriting Services, and Why Your Local Carolina Coffee Shop Should Stay Away

What I’m doing right now (and for the rest of 2023) is reminiscing on every job that I’ve ever worked at physically before becoming an independent Business Editor, and I am choosing to write for those types of businesses in South Carolina.

One of those was a doughnut and coffee shop back in the early 2000’s, Krispy Kreme doughnuts in Myrtle Beach on 18th Ave North and Kings Hwy, right beside the Piggly Wiggly.

I guess I am running my Copywriting Service in this fashion because I know that I can comfortably talk to any owner of an independent coffee shop (because I’ve physically worked in that type of environment before for an extended period), and likely develop some really cool creative nonfiction story ideas.

I don’t just write for any old business owner. I am going choosing the coffee shop based on the owners’ originality, passion and drive. Basically, I want to write and edit wonderfully composed material, that itself is SEO keyword balanced, but that is also a well-written creative nonfiction story, 3,000-words per intriguing, entertaining, informative piece.

I need you guys to understand that in this online environment (because there are so many copywriting agencies out there) that I am a one-person operation. I do not take orders from anybody, I am completely independent, and I am choosing out of my heart who to write for, one business at a time, and who to give my time and energy to.

If you’re reading this and feel it’s you I’m talking to, don’t be shy. Contact me. That’s whay I am as open as I am, so that you feel comfortable talking to me! We have to interview, talk about your history, ideas…everything! When I see your text or call, I’ll respond.

I have the type of energy that a McDonald’s worker has working in the grill by himself on a 8-hour shift. Know why, Yep you guessed it…I worked there before, too!

McD’s at 2200 N. Kings Hwy. This was my first job back in 1996 in high school, then I worked there again for a couple of seasons from 2010–2011. Image from Myrtle Beach Sun News.

I did everything in Mcdonald’s at 2200 North Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach back in high school, and for a couple more years from 2009 to 2011, before I had enough writing/editing clients, just check my Facebook page…

I’m a real person, and I truly want to hear from you if you’ve been pondering SEO services in South Carolina, especially if you own a coffee shop.

A Copywriting Service in South Carolina With Grit

Basically, you will never find another Copywriting Service in The Palmetto State that can relate to your hospitality, janitorial, retail, restaurant and/or resort business like I can.

Many just are just not real enough. And, some of these companies ought to be ashamed of themselves for the amount of money that they are charging people, hard-working business owners, for that crappy writing that they are just rewriting from their clients’ competitions’ websites.

The writing is all jumbled up most of the time. Nobody reading it remembers anything, and many of the marketing articles out there are just horrible.

Who reads that garbage? Nobody. Nobody at all.

A well-written Creative Nonfiction story with real people, places and things, in my opinion and in the opinion of the good experts out there (the ones I actually look to like Kelly Parker; she is so great; I put her video below…) a story that is developed by interviews and real human interactions instead of copied written material thats just spun to sound different on your page, is the best way to get people to your establishment, happy to be there at a coffee shop with an owner who is transparent, light hearted, and approachable.

This is one of the good ones, y’all. If you don’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to her…I was blown away by her presentation, check it out. She confims what I’ve been preaching to S.C. business owners all year so far in 2023. Video form YouTube.

Also, any writer who is reading this article that works for one of those online copywriting agencies (one that’s probably only paying you $.01 or $.02 a word to write, slave wages), believe me, you should go out in your town and start finding business owners in South Carolina. My people at home in places all around the Pee Dee need our help, man, if you can really write SEO with keywords well while also developing a wonderful story utilizing things like dialogue, scene, etc.).

In some instances, when the business owner has really cool stories to tell me about his or her business, I have been known to compose up to six months of material in advance for them (that’s six to ten 3,000-word, national trade journal marketable creative nonfiction stories developed over the course of two months, to be published over the following four months).

Then, I develop more with them casually for the next six month period.

Contact Trade Storytelling Today for Creative Nonfiction Stories About Your Local Coffee Shop!

These agencies simply aren’t as rich with time as I am, and I know that they aren’t patient with their writing. This is a craft, and I love it when I find business owners who actually understand that real material will always outweigh the fake fluff and redundant trash that’s spewed by so many of these online marketing agencies.

Meanwhile, the victim business owner (who is probably just throwing money at the marketing company in the hopes that something good will happen) doesn’t ever get anybody from the agency to give them enough personal attention to tell them all the details of what they are actually spending money on.

I just shake my head, because I, Limus Woods, am the owner of an experienced SEO company in South Carolina, one with over a dozen years of industry experience. Email me directly at for a Microsoft Word Document Resume with over 90% of my previously published material (stories, news articles, eBooks, product guides, etc, etc.) for your review.

Feel free to contact me, Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at

