Project Update 11th January

2 min readJan 11, 2019


Hello TradeConnect Supporters,

As the new year has begun and our team and partners return back to work, we will begin providing progress updates on a bi-weekly basis. Like all development projects there will be some updates that will have a lot to announce where others might not be as significant. In either instance our teams remain hard at work and dedicated to the creation of TradeConnect. For this week we will clarify the issue of the token listing only. Other items related to back-end development and other internal elements would be best to hold until a future update.

TCO Token listing on hold until further notice.

We have spent a good amount of time reviewing listing options as a team we have decided that it is in the best interest of investors and the project as a whole to move forward with the listing once the beta is released. Once the beta is live it will create significant positive momentum for TCO and its uses as token supply will be used in everyday trading. As TCO is a utility token for the TradeConnect network and NOT a crypto currency to be used in other ecosystems or to be speculated on, there would be NO benefit to listing the token at this time just for the sake of listing. In fact, a listing now could have a negative impact on the token value, and supporters, which is an outcome that nobody would like to see.

It is important to remember that TradeConnect itself will also provide exchange functions for TCO as well as trading functionality across other asset classes. Our team is dedicated to delivering a quality and scalable product that will stand strong in both bull and bear markets and ultimately reward those who have and continue to support the TradeConnect project.

For now, we are continuing to work on our trading applications both Desktop and Mobile. We are already progressing towards the back-end development of the exchange and will be providing updates on the progress to the community once integration is complete.

There will be an AMA session held in February and we will sending out a communication to the community later this month for a firm date/time. In addition we are expanding our partnerships with other blockchains and will be announcing a exciting partnership soon that will expand TCO’s use cases even more.

We appreciate everyone’s support and patience as we continue to work towards delivering on the TradeConnect project.

Best regards,

TradeConnect Team




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.