30 Mission-Driven Startups You Should Know

Published in
17 min readAug 10, 2016


Many in Silicon Valley aspire to build products and companies that have the potential to create positive change on a large scale. Often, however, these companies can be difficult to find because they have smaller recruiting budgets, and their mission statements can get lost in the noise of startups claiming to be “changing the world.”

To help, we’ve decided to put together a list of mission-driven companies that are attempting to make a big impact on the world.

We tried to pick companies that:

  • have solutions that are technology-driven or at least tech-enabled
  • have similar hiring needs to a typical silicon valley startup
  • are focused on fulfilling basic needs of people who are typically underserved

Based on that loose criteria, we’ve put together a list of companies that we think are awesome and fit the bill.

Of course, we may have left some great ones off our list and would love to know who we missed! If after reading this list you want to learn more about these companies, here are two things you can do:

  1. Subscribe to this Twitter list.
  2. Drop us your email and we’ll send you a spreadsheet of the companies we’ve collected with links to their open job postings.

Civic Engagement


San Francisco, ~324 employees

What they do
Allow users to create campaigns to mobilize supporters around issues they care about.

Why you should know about them
It’s the world’s largest social change platform with over 150 petition starters and signers in 196 countries. Recently they launched a crowdfunding tool to allow petition starters to tap into their community to raise the money they might need to push their campaign to victory. There’s also a new election platform that gives voters full ballots and allows them to crowdsource recommendations from people and organizations they trust.

More about Change.org


San Francisco, ~9 employees

What they do
Make it easy to understand the laws Congress is considering and streamline the process of giving your opinions lawmakers.

Why you should know about them
In a world where the smartphone has become the central platform to consume political media, mobile devices should also enable citizens to engage with their news-making lawmakers. On Countable, users can learn about issues, influence their representatives in government, and rally their community and friends around those issues.

More about Countable


San Francisco and Washington D.C.~19 employees

What they do
A political crowdfunding startup that makes it easier for citizens to learn about politicians, and to find and support political candidates that match their priorities and beliefs.

Why you should know about them
They’re creating a level playing field by giving every American access to the same political tools that the insiders have monopolized.They’ve also raised money from several top-tier venture capital funds and angel investors, including NEA, InterWest, Index Ventures, CAA and SV Angel.

More about Crowdpac


San Francisco, ~2 employees

What they do
Build technology aimed at increasing voter turnout in the United States

Why you should know about them
Since launching, this Y combinator backed startup has managed to drive 6.2 Million visitors. Eventually, they plan to streamline the voting process to allow voters in all 50 states to register to vote and get their absentee ballots via their smartphone.

More about Vote.org


Crisis Text Line

New York, ~50 employees

What they do
Offer free, 24/7 text-message counseling for people in crisis.

Why you should know about them
Since launching in August 2013, Crisis Text Line has processed nearly 20 million messages. Right now more than 1,500 volunteer Crisis Counselors man the lines for Crisis Text Line; over the next couple of years, it’s seeking to expand to more than 4,000. They’ve raised over $24M from a star-studded group of investors including Reid Hoffman, Melinda Gates and Steve Balmer.

More about Crisis Text Line


Las Vegas, ~20 employees

What they do
Create affordable communication products for inmates and their families

Why you should know about them
1% of the U.S. population has a loved one in prison. In order to communicate by phone, prisoners and their families are forced to pay up to $70 for 300 minutes of call time. Pigeonly is using VOIP technology to bring that price down to $20. They are currently supporting about 2 million minutes of phone time per month as well as sending a quarter-million pictures every month between inmates and their loved ones.

More about Pigeonly

Direct Giving


East Africa and New York City, ~200 employees

What they do
Allow governments, foundations, and individual donors to provide direct cash transfers to the extreme poor.

Why you should know about them
They’re one of the fastest-growing international development non-profits. The company has received both a Google Global Impact Award as well as a top rating from GiveWell. Currently, they are fundraising for a pilot program to test the efficacy of providing a universal basic income. The pilot will launch at the end of this year.

More about GiveDirectly


San Francisco, ~7 employees

What they do
They started as a direct giving platform to individuals in need, and have now broadened their platform to help non-profits raise money

Why you should know about them
HandUp is one of the few startups that is directly tackling one of San Francisco’s largest social issues– homelessness. They’ve managed to help over 2,000 people and solicited over $1.3M in donations

More about HandUp

Educational Access


Seattle, ~55 employees

What they do
Expand access to computer science education and increase participation by women and underrepresented students of color.

Why you should know about them
They’ve inspired tens of millions of students to try Hour of Code and signed up 360,000+ teachers to incorporate their intro coding course in K-12 schools across the country. They also just raised another $15 million from Facebook.

More about Code.org


New York, ~82 employees

What they do
Empower public school teachers from across the country to request and get funding for much-needed materials and experiences for their students.

Why you should know about them
They’ve facilitated funding 750,000+ projects in public schools ranging from classroom supplies to field trips. Every donor gets complete transparency into the impact of their dollars.

More about DonorsChoose

Khan Academy

San Francisco, ~100 employees

What they do
Provide free personalized learning resources in math, science, programming, history and more for learners of all ages

Why you should know about them
Led by the prolific, Sal Khan, Khan Academy has delivered over 580 million lessons to learners around the globe.

More about Khan Academy


San Francisco, ~25 employees

What they do
Enable high school students to earn performance-based micro-scholarships throughout that go towards financial aid.

Why you should know about them
They’re aiming to make the financial aid system more accessible to kids who need it. So far, they’ve provided micro-scholarships to over 250,000 students from 7,000 high schools across the country. Their investors include Owl Venture, First Round Capital and SJF Ventures.

More about Raise.me



Finland and Distributed, ~70 employees

What they do
Collect and analyze data from refuse containers across the world in order to create efficiencies, cut the cost of waste collection, and incentivize recycling.

Why you should know about them
Traditionally, collecting waste has been an inefficient process using fixed routes and schedules that require a lot of manual planning. Containers are collected on a set schedule whether they are full or not. This causes unnecessary costs, poor equipment utilization, wear and tear on the roads and excessive emissions. Enveo’s product provides a solution through smart monitoring of waste containers. The company has raised over $26m in private equity funding to date and continues to invest highly in R&D and geographic expansion.

More about Enevo

Spoiler Alert

Boston, ~6 employees

What they do
Offer a collaborative, online platform and value-added services that enable food businesses, farms, and nonprofits to create or recover value from surplus food and organic waste.

Why you should know about them
Nearly 50 million Americans live in “food insecure” households, which means they don’t have regular access to affordable food. Every year, however, nearly one-third of food inventory goes to waste, or about 20 pounds per person. Spoiler Alert is trying to provide a way for that unwanted food to go to people in need. Born out of MIT, the startup was a 2015 winner of MassChallenge and member of the Spring 2016 cohort of Techstars Boston.

More about Spoiler Alert

Financial Services

First Access

New York, ~12 employees

What they do
First Access combines financial and mobile data to reliably predict credit risk for borrowers in informal markets.

Why you should know about them
In East Africa, only 22 percent of the population has access to formal financial services with the region’s poor having even less at 10 percent. First Access presents an opportunity to increase the ability of these low-income communities to save, manage risk responsibility, invest in such critical services as education, and ultimately rise out of poverty.

More about First Access


San Francisco, ~110 employees

What they do
Connect lenders to borrowers in 83 countries who are looking to start or grow businesses, get an education or access clean energy.

Why you should know about them
Kiva pioneered consumer microfinance. They’ve helped facilitate more than $875 million in lending from 1.5 million lenders to over 2 million borrowers. And they’ve been able to keep loan quality high, with a repayment rate of 97.2%. In recent years, Kiva expanded to serve socially impactful and financially excluded communities in the U.S., and worked to provide loans that better serve the unique needs of borrowers around the world.

More about Kiva


Distributed, ~21 employees

What they do
Founded as an alternative to traditional micro-lending platforms, Zidisha is the first online micro-lending community that directly connects lenders and entrepreneurs by bypassing expensive local banks and intermediaries.

Why you should know about them
Their loans are interest-free and the startup gives lenders and entrepreneurs the opportunity to communicate with each other directly .To date, Zidisha has raised over $6.6M and funded funded 29,572 projects.

More about Zidisha

Gainful Employment


New York, San Francisco, Lagos, and Nairobi ~280 employees

What they do
selects, trains and finds work for the top 1% of tech talent from the largest pool of untapped talent in the world — the African continent

Why you should know about them
For every software developer in the United States, there are five open jobs. Africa, meanwhile, has the youngest, fastest growing population on earth, with more people joining the labor force over the next 20 years than the rest of the world combined. By connecting engineering organizations to the brightest individuals on the African continent, Andela provides a bridge to close the talent gap while investing in the smartest, most creative minds in software development. Andela has raised $39M to date, most recently a $24M Series B in June of 2016 led by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and GV (formerly Google Ventures).

More about Andela


Boston, ~9 employees

What they do
Offer artists living with homelessness or disabilities the chance to secure their own income through the sale of original paintings, prints, and products.

Why you should know about them
They’re working with 72 artists who earn 55% from the sale of their work. 1% from each sale goes to a fund, which provides art supplies to therapy groups nationwide. They’ve recieved funding from the founder of TOMS, Eric Ries, the author of Lean Startup, and social impact accelerator Tumml.

More about ArtLifting


San Francisco, ~18 employees

What they do
Unlock opportunities for low-income people by sourcing data projects from some of the world’s largest companies

Why you should know about them
By recognizing the growing needs for data enrichment work for large Western companies and increasing bandwidth speeds throughout the developing world, Samasource is pioneering a model for helping struggling workers sustainably pull themselves out of poverty. Since 2008 they’ve given work to 7,896 workers and increased their income by 3.7x over 4 years.

More about Samasource

Government Services

Bayes Impact

San Francisco, ~11 employees

What they do
Solve pressing public interest problems such as delivery of government services or health risk prediction by building open source software products that leverage data.

Why you should know about them
They’re bringing together a team of top-tier data scientists and engineers to solve pressing civic issues in a scalable way. They’ve also managed to secure funding from Y Combinator, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

More about Bayes Impact


Kenya, ~9 employees

What they do
Enables the 4 billion people who do not have a physical address to, “Be Included”

Why you should know about them
People without a physical address do not have access to the same level of emergency or financial services as those that do. OkHi has already mapped more than 100,000 people in Nairobi. They recently raised $750,000 in funding from a group of local and international investors including ex-Google chief financial officer (CFO) Patrick Pichette and Garage Capital.

More about OkHi

One Degree

San Francisco, ~12 employees

What they do
Create solutions for striving families to access, manage and review nonprofit and government services.

Why you should know about them
Since graduating from Y Combinator, they’ve helped 100,000+ people in the Bay Area access government and non-profit services. They’ve also launched One Home, a free website to make affordable housing listings easier to find.

More about One Degree


New York, ~25 employees

What they do
Provide a pipeline for data from smartphones to any 9–1–1 dispatch center in an emergency.

Why you should know about them
The USA’s emergency response infrastructure is incredibly antiquated. Despite the prevalence of smartphones, most people in the United States still can’t send a text message to their local 911 dispatcher. These Harvard and MIT alums are trying to change that with the help of a $5M round of funding led by Highland Capital.

More about RapidSOS



New York, ~15 employees

What they do
Help health plans, hospitals, and provider networks work better in low-income communities by making quick and accurate referrals for patients who need additional help from social services.

Why you should know about them
Having recently raised $2.5 Million from investors like Acumen Fund, Kapor Capital, and others, Healthify is tackling the unaddressed social needs, like food insecurity and housing instability that affect millions of Americans and cost an estimated $85 billion a year in additional healthcare spending.

More about Healthify

Triggr Health

Chicago, ~9 employees

What they do
Aimed at dramatically reducing recidivism rates for those in early substance abuse recovery, their platform utilizes phone sensors and phone data to predict the state of somebody’s recovery in real-time, enabling the right care to be delivered proactively when it is needed most.

Why you should know about them
Every year millions of people enter substance abuse recovery programs. Yet, a year after their treatment less than 10% will remain sober. Triggr Health has assembled a world-class team of engineers, designers, doctors, and researchers from institutions such as Stanford, UCSF School of Medicine, Northwestern, Google, and Rackspace to tackle the problem and build a solution to ensure that the right care is delivered proactively.

More about Immunity


San Francisco, ~12 employees

What they do
A global crowdfunding platform that enables anyone to directly fund low-cost, high-impact medical treatments for people in need.

Why you should know about them
Watsi was the first non-profit company to participate in Y Combinator. As of July 2016, the startup has raised more than $6.5M to fund treatments for over 8,000 patients. Their radically transparent metrics are available here.

More about Watsi

Mission-Driven Design


San Francisco, ~21 employees

What they do
Design, engineering and social impact consulting for mission-driven organizations including Google.org, the Skoll Foundation, Unicef, USAID and the city and county of San Francisco.

Why you should know about them
Traditional design & engineering consultancies take world-class tech talent and hire them out to the highest business bidders, which means that those businesses make better products but the world doesn’t necessarily become a more just place. Exygy is filled with world-class talent, but only applies that talent to solving world-bettering problems.

More about Exygy


San Francisco and New York City, ~69 employees

What they do
IDEO.org is a mission-driven design organization dedicating to improving the lives of people in poor and vulnerable communities across the world.

Why you should know about them
Launched out of the global design firm IDEO in 2011, IDEO.org is a nonprofit that has worked on problems as varied as water and sanitation, reproductive health, agriculture, and solar energy. Today, IDEO.org has identified four programmatic areas where it knows design can have big impact: Health XO,Financial Health, Launchpad, and Amplify.

More about IDEO.org

Epilogue / CTA:

  • Let us know in the comments which great companies we missed
  • If this article was valuable for you, please recommend / share.

Thanks to Jonathan Brick for help with compiling these companies.




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