Why everyone in every industry should use the Refresh App

An instant dossier so you can know the people you meet

Margaux Viola


Just a few weeks ago I was introduced to Refresh and within minutes, I was hooked. First of all, I love the word dossier. It’s elegant and awesome, and what the app does is even more legit. Refresh “connects the dots between profiles, photos, statuses and events across social networks to deliver a complete dossier about the people you actually meet in real life — so that you don’t have to.”

We’ve all lived the problem they are solving. You are running around all day working on important tasks and suddenly a reminder pops up on your screen — You have a coffee meeting in ten minutes with a new potential friend/ customer/ prospect/ networking contact. Crap! You didn’t prepare at all. Chances are you already know your story/ your business / and your ask, but what about them? Do you know even the first thing about what they do, where they are from, and how you may be able to help them?

You personal dossier pops up on your phone minutes before your meeting.

A dossier is a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject (yes, I know, the definition is far less sexy). Think of it like a binder that a personal assistant would put together for a high level executive — interestingly enough, that’s how the idea behind Refresh came to be when co-founder Bhavin Shah traveled on a mission with the former Secretary of Health and Human Services to Kabul, Afghanistan.

Refresh does all of the dirty work for you by automatically gathering the data across the many profiles and networks that we exist on today. And then compiles it in a beautiful and bite sized profile that’s easy to digest. But unlike an executive assistant, Refresh is free, and just may be the most priceless app on your phone.

  1. It saves you time … no question. A wise business development person is already researching this information before they go into a meeting. Refresh just flips the model on its head and brings the information right to you. Sure you could do some additional research but from my experience so far, I’ve received more than enough information without requiring any effort.
  2. It immediately allows for a more authentic connection. Knowing that one fact about another person, like a mutual connection that you share or their favorite football team, could make the difference between an informal meeting and a lifelong contact.
Beyond the basic information, you can learn about favorite sports teams, recent posts, and much more.

The 411 (my personal favorite) includes their current role, where they used to work (and extras such as where the stock price is trading), a photo and info about their significant other, recent tweets and check ins, recent emails, friends in common, and the sports teams they like. This is along with direct links to all of their active profiles. In addition, you can share the dossier with others via email or reach out to mutual friends to learn more.

The 411 really paints the whole picture

And I’d be remiss not to mention the simple and engaging design. It’s incredibly easy to set up and start using in minutes (as in, two).

To make the most of the app, I’d encourage you to connect as many of your online profiles as possible. This can really offer a full picture of the person you are meeting (assuming they have some active online profiles as well). These currently include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Google Plus, AngelList, Evernote, Foursquare, iPhone calendars, contacts, notifications, and a few others are in beta.

Live like an exec and download Refresh from the iTunes store: RefreshApp

