Beat Reporter Signup

Dan Matthews
Trade Deadline
Published in
1 min readJul 4, 2017

Another role that makes the game so much fun is the beat reporter #BigIfTrue. Beat reporters have access to the super-duper secret negotiating sub (/r/baseballtradedeadline), so they can break news of potential trades *well* before the deal is close to finished.

Here’s a thing to keep in mind about the reporters. The less detailed the report, the less is really confirmed about the report, the more fun it is for everyone involved. Simply copying and pasting the latest trade that’s been negotiated before we have a chance to post it in the trade thread is pretty boring and doesn’t add a whole lot to the game. This is not to say that beat reporters should invent things, but. It’s sometimes pretty funny when they do.

Again, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in doing, you can sign up to be a beat reporter here or fill out the form below.



Dan Matthews
Trade Deadline

Digital Consultant and data geek in Washington, D.C. for booking.