How AI is changing education

Ashleigh Ayers
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2018

Over the past 5 years we’ve seen many ways in which technology has improved the education sector, from the growing demand of online courses and the ability to teach rural classrooms from the other side of the world. In terms of artificial intelligence, it is expected that many areas of education will be completely transformed. According to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education sector report, U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017–2021. AI is already automating tasks, such as grading and providing feedback to students, which will only improve as data quality and computing power increases.

We are aware that AI is becoming more and more integrated in the legal sector, with law firms around the world embracing the technology. If institutions are already preparing students for the real world, through practical assessments and tutorials, should they also be preparing students with practical knowledge of AI tools and how they work?

We were lucky enough to talk to AI expert and lecturer John Wright, who shared his approach to AI in education.

“I would be remiss to not talk about traditional methods, as they help form a basis for understanding of the need of such processes, but to really add value for my students I need to highlight business solutions that are on the leading edge of innovation, because these solutions are set to be the standard by the time students take their new knowledge to apply in the employment setting.”

Understanding the basics of machine learning, and learning how legal tech tools are using AI to improve processes, will enable students to use legal tech tools more efficiently, and allow them to adapt to the constant introduction of new tools throughout their career. Wright, who is a former IP attorney himself, is excited about the advantages AI is bringing to the industry.

“As a society, we have been collecting and continue to collect massive amounts of data. We are living in an age where computer processing power is beginning to allow us to leverage that data. When I am developing my curriculum, it is important that I remember that students today are ready to start framing problems with innovative, data-based solutions in mind.”

Wright has his own podcast where he explores AI in all areas of the legal sector, automotive and education, his recent podcast explores AI in education with the CEO and Founder of IAMAI. As an AI company we are excited to see passionate educators embracing the inevitable advance of AI technology, empowering students to gain a broader perspective and providing them with the knowledge of traditional processes.

Wright will be moderating a panel at IP+AI 2018 later this month, a conference that aims to help attendees develop immediate and practical solutions to meet the unique challenges of AI and IP.

