Introducing the TradeRiser team

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3 min readMay 8, 2018
Some of the fantastic people brainstorming (team left to right: Poly CTO, middle Dennis CEO and right Sunil Full Stack Developer)

We would like to introduce you to some of the fantastic minds behind the TradeRiser revolution. Our team consists of amazing individuals from every part of the globe. TradeRiser is going to be huge and every member of our team shares the same vision and belief. Our platform is engineered to provide real time financial data and assistance to Traders across the globe. This allows Traders to focus on the important questions, what trade to make?

By leveraging off the TradeRiser platform, a Trader can ask the Financial Research Assistant any market related questions. This will save the Trader invaluable time in placing those important trades within their portfolio.

So time to introduce the team: We asked the team to provide you with some information about themselves and why they are so passionate about the TradeRiser revolution.

Dennis Owusu-Ansah is the Founder and CEO of TradeRiser.

Why are you so passionate about Traderiser?

Ever since the ‘dot com’ boom I have always wanted to be part of something big, however, most the excitement and boom was concentrated in Silicon Valley. My journey in founding TradeRiser has offered me the chance not only to build something great but also to relive some of the successes enjoyed by the ‘dot com’ era, but only this time it is in the Blockchain era.

Have you always had an entrepreneurial mindset?

From my days in secondary school I have always been entrepreneurial and had a love for computers. It is these interests that went onto nurture my love for programming, machine learning and search-based technologies. Google and Wolfram Alpha have heavily influenced me and to witness their technologies and companies evolves is something I strongly admired. TradeRiser is going to be big and will be at the helm of most people’s trading and investment process, I am here to ensure that this vision happens.

The team participating in web hangouts to share ideas to conquer the globe. Oh, and to discuss TradeRiser.

Leigh Laguisma is a Senior UX Developer.

Leigh is a fascinating character and has a breadth of experience which adds tremendous value to our team.

We asked Leigh for an interesting fact about himself?

Born into a family of Psychiatric nurses there wasn’t much I could get away with in terms of being medically unfit to skip school days. At an early age I had to recite parts of the Encyclopedia each day, the then Google of knowledge.

Really an Encyclopedia, how did that help spark your curious mindset and your career?

It certainly helped my curiosity in how things are made and how they work; dismantling a radio cassette player and putting it back together achieved a consistent slow pace of play! Fast forward I’ve made a career in deconstructing problems and building them back up again now with exception of the product being faster, contextual and optimised.

Why are you excited to be part of TradeRiser?

TradeRiser is in the exciting space of Cryptocurrencies with a mix of the latest techstack of it’s time; AI, ML, Natural Language user input and powered by the Blockchain. That’s a smörgåsbord of UX opportunities.

Rockie walking the team through a demonstration of the TradeRiser Platform. (#excitingtimes)

Sukrit Wongariyakavee is our Community Manager and Quant

Sunkrit is an exceptionally talented individual who is never shying away from a challenge.

How did you get involved in TradeRiser?

I got involved with TradeRiser following a job advert for a Quantitative Analyst. As a student wanting to build my experience this was of great interest to me. I loved the interview, vision and inclusiveness of the team. The team has continued to be supportive while I continue my studies alongside the TradeRiser project. My current studies compliment the project, and were the inspiration behind why I decided to do a Masters in Artificial Intelligence at Heriot-Watt University. As a team we always have regular teleconferencing and I never miss it.




TradeRiser is an innovative fintech company, leveraging the blockchain and artificial intelligence to answer both simple and complex trading questions.