Meet the rest of the team

Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018

We would like to introduce you to the rest of the TradeRiser Team. Our highly skilled team is fully engaged in the Fintech atmosphere and we are determined to showcase the great minds behind this revolutionary project.

From left to right Karianne, Poly, Sunil, Rocky and Daniel

Poly Apraku is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer for TradeRiser.

He specialises in Software engineering and Big Data technologies, Poly has worked with a number of some of the world’s largest databases in the retail sector.

Poly holds a Bachelor in Computer System Engineering from Brunel University, London, and has 12 years of experience in the field of software engineering.

Why are you so excited about TradeRiser?

I have a huge passion for technology and relish the opportunity to work with such talented individuals, who share the same passion about technology. To work on such an exciting ground breaking project is incredible.

With the advancement of Artificial intelligence technology in the last decade, there is a desire to consume data in ways that were deemed impossible. TradeRiser leverages on a wide range of technologies, which is allowing the company to break barriers and making previously inaccessible data accessible to everyone. We provide users a comprehensive range of market data, charts and analysis through the power of Natural Language, TradeRiser is the future.

Karianne Bakken is our social media kunoichi. Karianne can certainly give Dora a run for her money in exploring and can call more nine countries home. After finishing an MBA in Paris, Karianne decided to explore the great cobbles of London.

What attracted you to London and what do you enjoy about TradeRiser?

I decided to explore the cobbles of London to see what opportunities lie in the world´s capital of finance. FinTech is seeing a lot of innovation- and I wanted to be part of it. Working for Fintech iZettle (acquired by PayPal) really grew my curiosity and excitement in technology. I love how technology makes complex issues simple, which is the core of what TradeRiser is about. We help you find the best trading opportunities by using our artificially intelligent and blockchain empowered technology stack. This means you do not have to be an expert in the field, you simply use natural language to query and let the technology work for you. Got a question? TradeRiser and the technology has the answer. Not only am I excited about our product; I am also excited about the team. We are diverse and believing in what we do drives us. It is exciting to be part of a team that works to use technology to make a difference. It´s an added joy to be able to share what we do and believe in with communities out there through our social media platforms, and to be able to interact with fellow believers and game changers, as well as meet the challenges of those who are sceptic. Social media, much like Trade Riser, is about leveraging new technology to put the power into the people’s hands- a fundamental principal I am a big fan of.

Sean O’Brien is our Business Development Manager who resides in Dublin. You will find him playing one of many different varieties of sports or having a nice Guinness in the Fair City.

Sean discussing potential opportunities with the rest of the team

Sean, how did you come across TradeRiser and what sparked your interest in Fintech?

I came across TradeRiser through a networking app, which helps people expand their corporate network with people from all over the globe. I came cross TradeRiser and was immediately interested in the project. As an accountant I love everything Finance related, especially the cryptocurrency world. I am fascinated by the technology behind Bitcoin and Etherium and I knew TradeRiser was onto something when I started to research the project. I have always had an interest in computers and how technology makes life ‘easier’ for everyone, so TradeRiser allows me to harness both my passion for Finance and Technology.

Rocky Asante is another founder of TraderRiser and is our Chief Engineer.

Rocky engrossed deep in development mode or is he playing Mind Craft?

Rocky as Co-Founder and Chief Engineer, what makes you excited about TradeRiser?

TradeRiser is going to big and its my belief in this that made me join the project as a cofounder. As part of the core team I have continued to support the project with every means necessary. It is lovely to see the team grow, and different people coming together to work on the project.

My love for tech and web based technologies allows me to bring in development techniques and ideas that aren’t necessarily investment and trading based but that helps us disrupt and make huge impact. My contributions to the project can mostly be seen in the user interface of the platform as that is my speciality UI/UX development.

Sunil Kumar is our Full Stack Developer and has years of experience in designing and implementing ETL and Reporting for Financial Institutions. Sunil holds a strong understanding of financial instruments, Regulatory and Risk reporting. He has a first class degree in Electronics and Communication from RGPV Bhopal, India.

Daniel Jiang is our King of Blockchain and has an enormous passion for cryptocurrency. An experienced software developer Daniel has a very strong eye for identifying the intersection between disruptive blockchain technologies and their economics.

The Global team chilling on a Hangout session.




TradeRiser is an innovative fintech company, leveraging the blockchain and artificial intelligence to answer both simple and complex trading questions.