The Trouble of Sifting through Cryptocurrencies

Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018

The cryptocurrency market has not reached a phase of maturity yet. Up until this day, it is being treated as a monolithic frenzy without any clear lines of distinction. To make this clearer, imagine the absurdity of saying that all stocks belong in the same basket because they are all company shares sold on the financial market. Why might we think that this is an absurd statement? Because the stock market’s maturity led to its sectors (healthcare, transport, technology, etc.) being separated into indices, information sources, and so on and so forth. This, in turn, led to an easier process of sifting through stocks because now you can narrow down your search to a certain sector, and then narrow it down even further to a specific size group (Ex: companies with a market cap of over $50 million).

The same situation does not exist in the cryptocurrency market. What differentiates XRP from BTC, ETH, or BAT? Such information is currently not within hand’s reach for the general public. Financial journals and business news publications do not possess the agility that the cryptocurrency market necessitates. While these might act as viable sources of information and market insight with regards to traditional financial assets, when it comes to the crypto market, these outlets stand on an equal footing with lone wolfs. As a matter of fact, the active individual experts reading the companies’ white papers and posting their own analyses are the ones driving market sentiment in this new financial market, while traditional financial institutions look at them for direction.

A Unified yet Decentralized Platform

TradeRiser is a platform for these insightful individuals to come together, collaborate, and build on and verify each other’s findings without sacrificing their individuality in any constraining manner. Think of TradeRiser as Bloomberg for the blockchain era. While today these analysts and researchers tend to write their insights on platforms like Twitter, TradingView, Reddit, etc., TradeRiser offers them an incentive system to take their findings on its platform through ratings and monetary compensation. You are then given access to these collective findings through the TradeRiser research assistant technology that allows you to place queries for whatever information you want.

This information can be regarding a certain political event and effects on one or more coins, regulation in any vital market around the world, ICO bans, etc. Normally this information would have to be gathered in minor snippets from across a plethora of sources with different levels of reliability. Even unlike with traditional financial products where you can find at least 5 reports from 5 reliable sources on a certain market phenomenon, with cryptocurrency, the right sources are never the mainstream ones. These are merely slowpoke catch-up sources. If you do not know the specific spots online to look at and a few names (mostly anonymous bloggers and market influencers) to rely upon, you will constantly find yourself falling behind in every market movement without having benefited from its potential.

The concept behind TradeRisers is offering one platform from where individual investors or institutions can find the technical analyses, commentaries, and recommendations quickly enough to minimize the rate of lost opportunities.

Classifying your Opportunities

Besides technical analyses and short-term investment recommendations, investors tend to have a hard time when reviewing a set of cryptocurrencies in knowing which of them are viable long-term investments. Simply put, which coins make a ripe hit-and-run opportunity, and which are supporting a robust business opportunity that you can hold a long-term stake in by buying its coins?

As in stocks, there are two broad classes of cryptocurrency. There are coins like XTI, for example, the token that is used as means of compensation inside the TradeRiser research network. These are coins which on the long-run, depending on the growth potential for the businesses that they support, can prove to be viable investments. There are other coins like TRX and XLM, for instance, which have been viewed by many analysts to be perfect hit-and-run coins but rather risky long-term assets. Setting them apart is a challenge encountered by many investors in the crypto market.

Breaking down the Market

The aforementioned data-gathering shortcomings have come in the way of creating indices similar to the stock market indices that categorize and monitor assets’ performance according to size- (S&P 500, NASDAQ-100) or sector-based (Dow Jones Industrial Average) segments. In the stock market’s infancy phase, all of these indices did not exist. Investors had to go through separate industries, assess companies on an individual basis, and consequently consume a lot of time to decide on their investments. It was a situation similar to what exists today with the cryptocurrency market which is still in its infancy, and which the TradeRiser platform aims at transcending through issuing indices for different cryptocurrency groups based on size, industry, market, etc. Many groups such blockchain infrastructure, data sharing, marketplace, dapps, digital exchanges and more are some of the many new sectors and indices that will exist within the TradeRiser platform.




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