Everything Explained!

Deborah Bittencourt
Traders Eco
2 min readJul 8, 2022


What we are doing to help you have a positive and successful trading experience.

If you are either new to trading or Traders Eco, you probably have some questions.

Getting started on your trading journey can be overwhelming. We get you.

You often find a massive amount of new concepts, strategies you never heard of, and rules that you quite don’t get what they mean.

Not knowing these things may lead you to an outcome different than you hoped, as you can get disappointed and lose money.

To help everyone out, we took the following actions:

Explained Series 📹

We are starting the Explained series on our YouTube Channel.

At first, we are covering the Fund Portal in 2 categories:

First, plans Explained: Details of each of our plans — OTF Instant and OTF Challenge.

We discuss leverage, prohibited strategies, trading products and hours, etc. We kept the videos straight to the point but gave all the necessary information.

We are also releasing the Trading Rules Explained videos along with the Plans Explained series.

We gave a simple explanation of what they mean and how they work on our plans.

We encourage you to check out these first videos because We will answer most of your questions.

Over time, we will add new episodes regarding the Marketplace, Tools, Liquidity, and TC Crypto.

The Help Center edit 🙋

We reorganized and updated all of the articles in our Help Center so you can easily find the answer to the questions you may have.

All you have to do is type the plan you have or are interested in, or the strategies/rules.

And some reminders:

🗣 Customer Support is a must

We want to ensure our traders feel taken care of and that they have a team willing to answer their questions at any time.

Our Support team works 24/7, and you can reach out to them through our Website (blue balloon on the right bottom corner) or on Telegram.

💜 Feedback is much appreciated

If you feel that we left something out on the Series or the Help Center, please let us know by sending us a message on Instagram.

Count on us for a positive and successful trading experience!



Deborah Bittencourt
Traders Eco

Product Designer focused on crafting impactful experiences, from idea to launch. Portfolio: https://bit.ly/45kcWFO