AWS recap meetup in Bucharest

Diana Popa
Tradeshift Engineering
2 min readApr 16, 2020

Amazon Web Services joined forces with Tradeshift and invited all technology leaders and cloud professionals in Bucharest to a re:Cap of highlights from the AWS re:Invent 2019 conference.

The meetup took place back in February, and everyone was invited to discover the newest and biggest announcements from the largest Amazon Web Services event of 2019.

Tradeshift was proud to be the host of the meetup in our new office in Bucharest.

Darko Meszaroš, Senior Developer Advocate at AWS, flew over from Berlin to Bucharest to present at the meetup and talk to everyone that attended.

Together with him on ‘stage’ was Daniel Urzica, DevOps Manager at Tradeshift, who gave a talk about Data Analytics in Tradeshift.

Among others, Daniel spoke about our Data Lake Architecture, Customer Analytics with dashboards and graphs, Data Warehouse and the AWS services that Tradeshift uses for Analytics.

Darko Meszaroš presented the newest highlights in areas such as Storage, AI, ML, Databases and Analytics, Security, Network and many others.

If you’re curious to find out more, you can find the slides that were presented during the meet-up here.

After Daniel’s and Darko’s talks, our guests were invited to ask questions and share opinions over some delicious pizza’s and soft drinks.

More than 40 people attended the event, learned about all the newest technologies and tools, and got involved in discussions.

Everyone had a great time and the feedback was positive! We’re looking forward to organising the next one — keep an eye out on the Meetup page for upcoming events.

