Strange times….

Tommy Dejbjerg Pedersen
Tradeshift Engineering
2 min readMay 12, 2020

It’s Wednesday morning, I have arrived at the office and am ready to start working.

No, sorry. It’s actually Tuesday and I have arrived at the dining table in my living room..

Strange times indeed. The concept of time, what day is it, how long has it been since I have been in our office. It’s all a bit blurry, because we have stayed at home for so long.
If it wasn’t for my mail signature, I might even have forgotten my name by now :-)

For Tradeshift this is Week 10 of working from home. We started a bit earlier than the official recommendations here in Denmark and we are staying home, until it’s safe. And maybe a bit longer than that, just be more safe.
A nice touch by our leadership and much appreciated by us all.

We miss each other!
We miss the goofiness at the office.
We miss being shot down by a nerf gun, when you least expect it.

We miss the celebration cake we have, when we are celebrating…well, that it’s Wednesday, or whatever excuse we needed to buy cake.

We miss this!

A new hope…

The work part of working from home is actually going quite well overall. Productivity is good and remote tools are being adapted and applied to our work with success.
Some meetings actually seem to work out better with people being distributed instead of sitting together in one room.

Remote work is not that bad actually, but we already knew this, right?
It’s old news and the
Remote book did an excellent job of describing the advantages and how to do it right many years ago.

To keep up the social aspect of work, we try to stay in touch with informal check-ins and have some fun together!

One of our teams had some good times playing board games at Board Game Arena and highly recommend Takenoko.

Most importantly I think you should have something to look forward to, when the office reopens.

I certainly know what I left at my table two months ago and I’m looking forward to seeing this old friend again :-)

