TradeStars Announces Partnership with Poly Network

Enabling token interoperability by allowing users to bridge $TSX from Ethereum to BSC and other blockchains.

Anshul Pareek
3 min readMay 12, 2021


We’re proud to announce that TradeStars is partnering with Poly Network. This partnership is going to help fans enjoy the game even more.

The Poly Network is one of the most popular decentralized bridging solutions in the crypto world right now, so you can understand why we’re so excited to share this news.

Getting support from Poly Network, TradeStars is able to smoothly do cross chain operations, where our digital asset $TSX can be easily bridged from Ethereum chain to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Their tool provides a one-click operation that is as simple as it can be.

Sports are one of the biggest passions in the world and also the biggest economy… we should make the game as easy as possible. There are no similar games like this in blockchain, so I think we have a tremendous opportunity to do a really good thing here

About TradeStars

TradeStars is a decentralized fantasy game in which participants can trade their digital assets depending on their sports knowledge.

Once a player funds its profile, it is then ready to trade with other users. We started off with cricket and we will be adding other sports in the following months!

On the platform, the althetes’ performances are represented on Fractional NFTs to be traded as fantasy stocks. Buying and selling these stocks can make you a true fortune based on your sports knowledge. Investing in a young player that is about to become a star is a smart move. The only issue is picking the right players. That’s where your sports knowledge comes into play.

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About Poly Network

The Poly Network is a platform made to connect different cryptocurrency holders. It provides easy interoperability between different blockchains and makes the exchange between their currencies as easy as it can be.

These guys understand the vast number of cryptocurrency users and the complexity of operating with them on different platforms. We mentioned that Ethereum backs TradeStars, but that doesn’t mean that players who want to participate in the stock trading on this platform and have no Ethereum should be banned from it.

The Poly Network provides easy bridging between them. They currently operate with Ethereum, Bitcoin, Neo, Ontology, Elrond, Zilliqa, Binance Smart Chain, Switcheo, Huobi ECO chain and OKExChain. That gives them the confidence to call themselves unique and successful at what they do.

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Wrapping up

TradeStars is a fresh decentralized player stock exchange platform that is rising fast because of its idea and the users’ interest to be part of it. Without a doubt, it will grow fast, and the moves that the management is doing prove it.

This connection and partnership with the Poly Network is proof that things are going in the right direction, making the entire community happy.

