TSX is live on Ethereum Mainnet!

The TradeStars team is proud to announce that the TradeStars governance token (TSX) is live on main-net.

Christian Hentschel
2 min readApr 29, 2021



TSX is the TradeStars main governance token and, I believe, the most important piece in our ecosystem. The token economy aligns our team and collaborators and its utility incentivizes our community by rewarding participants in the TradeStars platform.

The TSX is used to reward liquidity providers, but it also has in-game staking utilities and governance power.

TSX is an ERC20 standard token based on ERC20Snapshot, ERC20Burnable, ERC20Pausable contracts from openzeppelin and a security audit is being underway by the Pessimistic team.

TSX Distribution

The total supply of TSX is 100,000,000 and this number is expected to be enforced by TSX holders, who control governance.

The total minted supply of TSX as of today is 48,000,000. Breaking this down we have:

  • 21,000,000 for investors in our private strategic raise and upcoming IDO.
  • 15,000,000 reserved for the founding team, and stock options to be vested by key employees that join TradeStars.
  • 2,500,000 for advisors of the project.
  • 9,500,000 for the TradeStars Reserve. This fund will be used to attract and incentivize strategic partners that will help the TradeStars ecosystem grow and thrive, as well as for future fundraising rounds to support TradeStars’ operations and growth.

This means that up to 52,000,000 TSX can be distributed to users of the platform. The current proposed rate is to distribute 150,000 TSX per week.

The TSX holders can decide distribution of TSX if governors see fit or stop it altogether (decreasing the total supply). At the proposed distribution rate TSX could keep being distributed for about 6.6 years before reaching the total supply of 100,000,000 TSX.

Vesting for the team, advisors and investors

A total of 38,000,000 TSX have been created and distributed to the locking and vesting contracts for founding team, advisors and investors.

5,000,000 TSX from the seed investors allocation are 20% unlocked and 80% released quarterly, over 4 quarters.

15,500,000 TSX from the private and strategic investors allocation are 25% unlocked and 75% released quarterly, over 4 quarters.

2,500,000 TSX from the advisors pool are 100% locked. The assigned tokens from the pool will have a cliff period of 12 months with linearly released tokens over 36 months.

15,000,000 TSX from the team pool are 100% locked. The assigned tokens from the pool will have a cliff period of 12 months with linearly released tokens over 36 months.

Our next steps

We are very excited to see the increasing interest in our product and also about the upcoming IDO the 4th of May 2021. Stay updated with the latest developments connecting with us on:

Website — https://tradestars.app

Telegram — https://t.me/tradestarsOK

Twitter — https://twitter.com/TradeStarsOK



Christian Hentschel

Curious hands-on entrepreneur. I love tech, coding, physics and universe mysteries.