3-Ways to Succeed in School

TradeUp Blog
TradeUp Success Hub
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Trade school is a big transition from high school. While some people are born with the characteristics of a successful student, most put in the time and dedication needed to develop the skills they need to succeed. With some effort and a can-do attitude, you can do the same! Below is a list of three things anyone can do to succeed in school.

The Power of a Positive Attitude

The most common approach successful students take is to bring a positive attitude to class every day. This means having an open mind about what you’re learning — some topics might come easily while others might require more time to sink in. Try not to let a poor grade on an assignment bring you down, instead use it as motivation to check your understanding of the concept. Interpret “good grades” as evidence that your study approach works and “bad grades” as motivation to revise your approach. Remember that your instructors want you to do well — proactively reach out to them whenever you need extra help on course topics, especially if you have a difficult test coming up!

Takes Notes Like Your Grades Depend On Them

As simple as it sounds, taking clear and structured notes is a necessary part of academic success. Note-taking can begin on day one. Consider the course syllabus your first opportunity to practice effective note-taking. Take a pen and highlight assignment deadlines, exam dates and the instructor’s absence policy. Include notes on what the instructor wants to see from you — do they want students to regularly participate in discussions? If you’re not clear on the instructor’s expectations — ask! Check out this article on our blog to learn more about how to take notes effectively!

Embrace Your School Community

Your school community presents a range of resources you can use to be successful. Take your classmates as an example. You all have the same motivation: to learn and master the same subject matter. This shared motivation gives you a reason to partner with your classmates — start with a simple hello and ask if people want to form a study group. Use this group whenever you’re preparing for a test to make it easier to study by collaborating. Staff members are another example of an under-utilised resource. Student advisors and recruiters are there to help not just when you’re struggling in class but also when you’re curious about your new career path. Be proactive and make appointments with staff members — you’ll never know how helpful they can be until you ask!

These tips will help you to start trade school off on the right foot. Being a good student requires a positive mindset, consistent study practices like note taking and of course, taking advantage of the learning opportunities and resources around you. If you find yourself struggling, remember to take a breath and start again — we are confident that you have what it takes to succeed!

