The Pivot

Colin Rubbert
Tradewinds Interactive
2 min readJul 28, 2016

There’s this perception that when you find your passion and direction that automatically things will fall in place and your life will be perfect. People make millions of dollars pitching this concept to the masses but it’s flat out wrong. The problem is that as human beings we are constantly in a state of flux. We don’t magically fall into a mold and stay there, we continuously break it and rebuild it.

For a long time I forced myself to stay in a mold that I no longer fit into. I had found my passion but eventually the passion became a task and a duty to be performed when requested. It really sucks the joy out of the thing that you were once passionate about. Passion dries up and evolves over time. Thus the reason why I write this, my former passion for being an IT consultant has dried up, I no longer get the satisfaction, the challenge, or the joy from it.

So begins the pivot. Web design and development started out as curious interest and quickly grew into a formidable obsessive and passionate force that consumed my life. With this drive and satisfaction I came to the conclusion that if I really wanted to capitalize and push this passion forward I need to pivot. I needed to stop focusing on what I was doing as an IT consultant and start moving in the direction that I truly enjoy.

Today I announce the launch of my new endeavor, Tradewinds Interactive, a web design consulting agency that focuses on small businesses where I can bring their ideas and services to the world. Owning my own consulting company and working for numerous small businesses over the last 15 years I have gained solid understandings on the shortcomings, strengths and needs of small businesses which gives me a great position for helping other small businesses to shine in this digital era.

If you’re looking to work with someone who cares about the outcome of your business or idea and who understands the needs for small businesses in our digital landscape don’t hesitate to reach out. If you’re interested in finding out more information about the company, myself, and the ideas behind what I will be doing please head over to to signup for the newsletter in which you will get updates, articles, and tips. If you’re interested in getting a rough estimate on how much a custom website costs you can head over to and we can get started working out what we can do together to build your future. There may even be a bit of a discount for my first few clients ;)

Onward we go to building the future…

