Tradiio, 2 months after launch.

Hello from sunny Lisbon! We’ve had brilliant weather over the last few weeks.

Miguel Mendes
Tradiio Team
3 min readMay 18, 2015


It’s been a wild ride since our launch in March. We’ve been doing a lot of stability improvements in our infrastructure, and we rolled out some powerful new features that improved the experience for our artists and enhance the discovery of new music for our users.

Artists Upload

One of the most sought after features we released was the new upload system.

The artists content is our own content too, so logically they deserve an exceptional experience throughout the upload process. We idealized a drag and drop system that accepts multiple songs and allows the user to edit multiple songs at once.

In a last email we sent, we created this header image which explains the new feature. [GIF]

Embedded Player

We have fresh new music that needs to get as much exposure as possible. With this in mind, when our users share a song, we want their friends to be able to listen without having a Tradiio account. This is now possible with our Twitter and Facebook Embed players.

Try it by posting a link like “” to one of these social networks.

Technically, our embed player in Twitter is done in HTML, but to get it working in Facebook (Desktop), we had to build a flash version. Due the restrictions Facebook only displays SWF files that are hosted from an HTTPS server, so this pressured us to get our protocol HTTP certified.

Public Pages

As I said before, for us is important to allow users to listen to the music without being logged in. We have done different public pages for artists, songs, and users.

If you are logged out, try it : “

Mobile Apps

This month we brought the development of our iOS/Android applications into our offices! Welcome on board Rui Santos(Android), and Bruno Silva(iOS).

Without depending on external development, it will be more easy to do the everyday enhancements in both apps.

“Each release we make is a step towards functionality and experience improvement” — Rui Santos Android Team


Two months after the release, we’ve had a lot of press coverage. I’ll highlight some of it.

The Next Web
Tradiio turns recommending new music into a game that offers real-world rewards.

The Guardian
20 best Android apps and games this week.

Want to “Approve Million-Dollar* Deals From Your iPhone” Like Lil Wayne?

This Spotify-challenger app works like a stock market.

Closing thoughts

At the time of writing, and with only 2 months of Tradiio 2.0, the user base has increased a lot, and we’re getting a really good retention percentage. Clearly we’re doing a lot of things right.

Thank you from all of us for reading this far!

We’re looking forward to including more features in the coming weeks.

Miguel Mendes
Head of Product Design — Tradiio



Miguel Mendes
Tradiio Team

Product Designer at @useformat, Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon, Mentor at @trydesignlab, Former Head of Design at @tradiio