MayFair Fund — Decentralized ETF Dapp on Arb

Trading DeFi Protocols and Cryptocurrency
3 min readJul 4, 2023

an article on an absolute gem that’s on @arbitrum and @zksync


  • what is DFTs
  • DTFs that they are launching
  • leverage trading DTFs
  • real yield
  • tokenomics
  • value proposition
  • roadmap
  • future prediction

let’s dive deep into each section

DTF stands for Dex Traded Funds, but what is it?

it is a basket of tokens that forms an index like S&P500 but for the crypto ecosystem

DTFs consist of different tokens with different weights where users invest in a DTF rather than buying each underlying asset one by one

along side with price appreciation of your underlying assets, your tokens will earn yield from their native protocols

if your fund holds $GLP invested on #GMX you will passively earn yield on that

users can also leverage their DTF positions upon perps launching


those degens who feel holding spot DTF isn’t enough

you will be able to use built in perps trading on @mayfairfund where you can short or long DTFs

it will be the first protocol where you lev trade a basket of DeFi native projects

now lets talk about value proposition

$MAY will a few sources of income;

  • exit fee applied to various pools
  • swap fees
  • perp trading fees
  • minting DTF fees
  • redeeming DTF fees

the APR will depend on volume but i suspect, there will be high demand for its products

onto tokenomics


  • 3m max supply
  • launching at $858,000 market cap
  • low circulating supply initially
  • team and development tokens are locked for 12 months for a protocol that offers such a unique idea
  • its heavily under valued emission will go to mDTF holders

value prop;

  • become FTX used to offer as basket of DeFi protocols but in a decentralized way
  • offers a product where new users can get exposure to a diverse projects and earn yield
  • ease of weight management and less need of manual intervention and monitoring

onto the roadmap


  • IDO → done
  • Audit → done
  • Staking farms available at launch see the rest for the later part of the year and next year
  • now the juicy part; FUTURE PREDICTION

protocols that we can compare @mayfairfund within arb and zk ecosystem

  • high value on arb; #GMX sitting at 522m MC
  • low value on arb; ##GAINS at 42m MC
  • only one on zk; $OT sitting at 30m
  • $MAY launching at 1.5M FDV so you do the math


  • low market cap
  • decent tokenomics
  • real yield
  • unique and a much needed concept
  • under valued at launch compared to similiar protocols
  • offers a solution to the time it takes to rebalance and manage portfolio

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