Rodeo Finance — One Stop Shop for All your DeFi Needs

Trading DeFi Protocols and Cryptocurrency
3 min readJun 30, 2023

Article about @Rodeo_Finance 1/12 public sale is on the 30th of June, so it felt right to post an educational article

Here’s a quick rundown:

xRDO utilityUnderstanding silos

Choosing a silo

Impressively, Rodeo has integrated partner farms at lightning speed.

Rodeo funnels considerable liquidity back into partner pools. This has led to:

TVL growth in projects

Higher yields for Rodeo users

Fee earnings for Rodeo, which they share with token holders It’s a win-win for everyone!

What exactly is #xRDO?

You can stake RDO to get xRDO. You can use your xRDO for extra perks, features, or to earn a decent passive APY. Sounds familiar to Arb DeFi users, doesn’t it?

At launch, Rodeo will have 3 distinct silos where RDO can be staked to obtain xRDO, and be utilized. Each caters to different investor types and offers unique utilities:

Dividend Silo

Boost Silo

Leverage Launch Silo

Rodeo understands that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in crypto.

That’s why they’ve created these silos.

Whether you’re chasing maximum income, farming aggressively, or hunting for novel projects, there’s a silo for you.

Let’s dive into these silos:

DividendSilo is designed for users seeking maximum yield.

Here, staked RDO will receive various platform incentives including portions of performance, liquidation, treasury earnings, and future vault fees.

Next up, the BoostSilo.

It’s designed for power users and career farmers. If you stake your RDO here, you’ll get premium platform access, higher leverage caps, early access to new farms, and reduced platform fees.

Now onto the LeverageLaunchSilo.

It’s for users who want exposure to fresh and innovative projects launching on Rodeo. Staking RDO here will get you opportunities and revenue associated with new product launches.

Some of these opportunities include a portion of launch fees and Whitelist Early Access.

The former allows you to get a cut from the launch fees Rodeo collects. The latter enables users to get into new and exciting projects at pre-sale prices.

All in all, Rodeo’s goal is to make RDO a high-yielding blue-chip asset in the Arbitrum DeFi ecosystem. With the unique silos they have designed, every investor can find a suitable option for their needs.

By doing this, Rodeo not only reduces sell pressure on RDO but also strengthens their ecosystem.

