Let me go Beyond the Garden

Literary Cell, IIFT
Trading Thoughts
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2017

By Pranav Sanghai

Beer Beer everywhere!! And all of it to drink!!
And here I am, with you my lady, when time is at brink!!

The time has come, to leave the garden.
Oh! My lady! I beg your pardon…
I beg your pardon, to let me go.
Let me go beyond the garden…

Let me see,
Those mysterious fountains.
Atop those,
Magnificent Mountains…
Let me strive,
For the journey atop.
Amidst those, scanty winter crop…

Let me go beyond the Garden…
Oh my Lady! I beg your pardon…

Let me ambush,
Through this continuous repress.
And feel the flamboyance,
Of hard earned success…
Let me challenge, for one last time.
The tides of the sea, at its prime.

Let me go, I beg your pardon…
Let me go, beyond the garden…

Let me conquer, those mighty tides.
And so I feed, my unruly pride…
And let sunshine, guide me again.

And let my fate, rise me again…

Let me go, I beg your pardon,
Let me go, beyond the garden…

Let me go, to feel one true love.
And let it run, through my nerve.
I want to feel, the mortal pain,
I want to live it, once again…

Let me go, I beg your pardon.
Let me go, beyond the garden…

Let me go, for the sake of mine.
Let me go, one last time…
Let me go, beyond the garden.
Oh! Lady, I beg your pardon…

About the Author

Pranav Sanghai is from the Batch of 2018. He did is interned with Godrej and was APAC finalist in CFA Research Challenge. He is an avid reader and a contributor to Trading Thoughts: The Literary Blog at IIFT

