Web 3.0 has landed on the Moon!

One more game from Tradisys

5 min readMay 20, 2019


Dear friends!

We are pleased to announce that the new Coin Flip game is finished and ready to run. This time we have landed on the Moon! Welcome to the Web 3.0 world.

We continue to dive into the new Ride4dApps and we still need your help in testing our games. As you know, we recently released the Dice Roller game in Waves TESTNET and promised excellent prizes for the winners. The three winners are determined every week. The player who scores the maximum number of points receives 300 real MAINNET WAVES! Players who finished on the second and on the third place get 200 and 100 WAVES, respectively.

How are points calculated?


Initial score for all the players is 2000 points.

We have the following bets and the corresponding preconfigured bet multipliers and dice multipliers.

Bet Multipliers:

1 WAVES — (x1.0)
2 WAVES — (x1.3)
4 WAVES — (x1.6)
8 WAVES — (x1.9)
14 WAVES — (x2.2)

Dice Multipliers:

1 of 6 dices selected — (x7.0)
2 of 6 dices selected — (x6.0)
3 of 6 dices selected — (x5.0)
4 of 6 dices selected — (x4.0)
5 of 6 dices selected — (x3.0)

For the Coin Flip game:


Player rating is playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd, where scoreToAdd is calculated as:

In case player WINs:

scoreToAdd = (6– dicesCount) * Bet Multiplier * Dice Multiplier

In case player LOOSEs:

scoreToAdd = ( – 1) * dicesCount * Bet Multiplier * Dice Multiplier


dicesCount — number of selected dices.

NOTE: If two players have exactly same score, then the winner will be the player, who played more frequently.

Example 1:

Let’s say that the user is playing the Dice Roller game and his current score in this game is playerCurrentScore = 1900.2 points. Let’s assume that he selects 4 dice sides out of 6, i.e. dicesCount = 4, and his bet is 8 WAVES. How much points he scores?

In case player WINs:

scoreToAdd = (6 –dicesCount) * Bet Multiplier * Dice Multiplier = (6 – 4) * 1.9 * 4.0 =15.2

Then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1900.2 + 15.2 = 1915.4

In case player LOOSEs:

scoreToAdd = ( –1) * dicesCount * Bet Multiplier * Dice Multiplier =(-1)*4*1.9*4.0=– 30.4

Then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1900.2–30.4= 1869.8

Example 2:

Let’s say that the user is playing the Coin Flip game and his current score in this game is playerCurrentScore = 1000.4 points. Let’s assume that player bet is 14 WAVES. How much points he scores?

In case player WINs, then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1000.4 + 33.0 = 1033.4

In case player LOOSEs, then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1000.4–33.0= 967.4

UPDATED June 19: Changes have been made to the scoring system

We want to create equal chances for all the players. That is why we've updated the scoring system a little bit. Basically all rules remains the same. However, we applied some coefficients to the first 5 players from the top of the leaderboard.

From now on we will apply the following rules:

1. Player from 1st position in rank will get 20% less points in case of winning and loose 20% more points in case of fail.

2. Player from 2nd position in rank will get 16% less points in case of winning and loose 16% more points in case of fail.

3. Player from 3rd position in rank will get 12% less points in case of winning and loose 12% more points in case of fail.

4. Player from 4th position in rank will get 8% less points in case of winning and loose 8% more points in case of fail.

5. Player from 5th position in rank will get 4% less points in case of winning and loose 4% more points in case of fail.

Those rules are applied to each game separately, not to the final score table.

Example 3:

User is playing the Dice Roller game and his current score in this game is playerCurrentScore = 1500.6 points. Player is on the 1st place in the leaderboard table. Let’s assume that he selects 3 dice sides out of 6, i.e. dicesCount = 3, and his bet is 14 WAVES. How much points he scores?

In case player WINs:

scoreToAdd = 33.0*0.8=26.4 (in other word –20%)

Then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1500.6 + 26.4 = 1527

In case player LOOSEs:

scoreToAdd = –33.0*1.2=–39.6 (in other words +20%)

Then the player final score will be:

playerFinalScore = playerCurrentScore + scoreToAdd = 1500.6–39.6= 1461

UPD: How to win?

Please note that rules of defining the winner have been changed. Now the winner of the week will be determined by the sum of points scored in three games: Coin Flip, Dice Roller and Ride on Waves. Now you must actively play all 3 games! To get the test WAVES needed to play the games in TESTNET, please use the TestNet faucet. You can request 10 test WAVES every 15 minutes.

How long will the game last?

The game Coin Flip will be launched today on May 20 at 1:00 p.m. (Central European Time). The winner who scores maximum points in two games (Coin Flip and Dice Roller) will be determined next Tuesday, May 28 at 1:00 p.m. CET. After this, a new round will begin. We wish you all good luck!


Since the game is in active testing and debugging mode, there may be bugs in the game and its partial or complete temporary unavailability. Rating system and rules may also be changed. If you have any difficulties, please contact the support service on the game web site (the Get Help button in the lower right corner) or in the official Tradisys telegram channels: Tradisys Global (for an English-speaking audience), and Tradisys Russia (for a Russian-speaking audience).

UPDATED June 14: The 5th round has ended

The third round has just finished. Congratulations to the winners!

The 1st place is taken by 3N5LjyqqtEYGpPDeqKTemNLcH8ijFmNL676. And the prize is 300 WAVES.

The 2nd place is taken by 3MpMyXK6HDX3vEELo9f515wNZSMUTHifGNh. And the prize is 200 WAVES.

The 3rd place is taken by 3MtAPQWkyTft69ZXKWmGPNB21TqGx8LPppb. And the prize is 100 WAVES.

The 6th round of the game is in progress. Good luck!

