Tradr has graduated from the Social Impact Spark 2018 accelerator!

John Forfar
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Over the past 4 months Tradr has been busy building our social enterprise via the Social Impact accelerator Impact Spark. We’ve improved our chops in setting our social impact goals, honed our product-market fit, built out our team and our well on our way to developing our MVP.

Filling an unmet need in WA’s incubator and accelerator ecosystem, the ImpactSpark program operates in tandem with Innovation Hub, providing important (and transferable) startup education and development skills, setting up founders to successfully validate, iterate, fund and grow their startup.

The program is supported by a respected and highly experienced team of leaders across the WA startup, investment and impact ecosystem.

Impact Spark’s mission is to capacity build on both supply and demand sides of the impact investment market in Western Australia in conversation with social impact ventures, government, CSR not-for-profits and private wealth, and demonstrating why the ‘business for good’ model works in bridging investment and philanthropy.

We create co-investment opportunities and deal flow in WA ventures focused on social innovation, and with a clear social impact mission front and centre.

Finishing night at social enterprise Pitch Night 2018

I would like to thank all the team behind ImpactSpark and the excellent mentors who have contributed to our success over the past 4 months.

Finally, I wish all the fellow 2018 graduates success in the future on driving tangible social impact via startup innovation. View the full 2018 ImpactSpark Cohort here!

View the full 2018 ImpactSpark Cohort here!

