At What Point Did You Give Up On Your American Dream?

Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2017

At what point did you give up on your American dream?

Americans have told me my love for their great country has inspired them to be doing more with the projects they’re working on.

But what is the American dream exactly?

Well actually it was a marketing campaign invented to sell real estate in the 1970’s BUT don’t roll your eyes and continue scrolling! We can still use the term, and many of you will connect with what it is:

- Overcoming unbelievable odds to succeed (like the many immigrants who seek a better life, my mom moved to the uk when she was very young and her family had no money, 15 people crammed into an apartment)

- Working long hours for a better future for yourself/your family (it does NOT come easy)

- Living a “dream” life that you’ve only seen in movies 🎥 (like for me being able to party in Hollywood. Literally Hollywood, for f*** sake!) this again is open to whatever you call a dream; where you live, what you earn etc

- It cannot be explained with rational thought, it just comes from within that you can make it

- If you “ask for permission” you won’t ever get your American dream

I had no right to start a magazine empire while I was on welfare living off beans and bread

I had no right to raise $250k and go from welfare to in control of a tonne of money and team overnight

I had no right to start an agency and charge thousands per month from day one (with zero client experience)

I had no right to, within 3 months of starting public speaking, book talks all over America (booked 9 talks with one months notice in summer 2015!)

Had no right to make more money with my first book than 99% of authors who have written books their entire lives (and are better writers than me and my co-author)

Had no right to book a 100-date, ten country, 39 city speaking tour with no manager, no booking agent, no team, just me and my laptop, again speaking more and to more people than 99% of people who have been speaking for years

Had no right to tell people on day one of traffic and copy “we’re going to build the fastest growing growth hacking group on Facebook” again, ahead of people who had been at it for years

Right now?

I have no right to go to Los Angeles with a spirit of “I’m going to disrupt this town and be one of the big players in this city”

The American dream belongs to those who will take it

Your American dream doesn’t have to be in America.

But you should take a bit of the American “winning at all costs” positive mentality.

I want us all to win, to help make the people around us have better lifes, and also to have more fun 😉

What’s your American dream? Comment below


If you’re sitting here too scared to tell other people your dream, how do you expect to make it happen in the real world?

I’ll reply to everyone who posts. What 👏🏻 Are 👏🏻 You 👏🏻 Going 👏🏻 To 👏🏻 Make 👏🏻Happen?? 👏🏻 Post it below: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻



Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.