Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2017

Jeremy Haynes drove something like $900,000 sales to sales legend Grant Cardone in a matter of months. How?

What he calls the “omnipresence” strategy. And if you want to grow like crazy, I’d take notes. (I’ll be using this strategy this year).

Most sales are made on the 5th-13th followup. Thus, if you email once and get no reply and don’t follow up, you are leaving money on the table.

So how does Jeremy achieve this?


He begins the talk by quoting Grant Cardone: “Your #1 problem as an entrepreneur is obscurity”.

To combat this, Jeremy will show a rotation of ads to a prospect on every possible channel he can get pixels on/his hands on. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, anywhere he can reach you, he will.

His tips:

1. Consistency in content- If I’m gonna be on x content, I need to tell a story on all 5/6 channels, consistently. You don’t have to lie when you’re authentic, creating an omnipresence amongst your customers. Contextually relevant ads relevant to where they are in the buying cycle will convert better. Putting a pixel in the header of your website = you can retarget them. Allows you to follow up. The average close happens between the 5th and 12th follow up. I digitized what the best sales marketer taught me and digitized it. Follow-ups should be a service, not a pushy attempt.

2. Become omnipresent

3. Don’t be an asshole on the internet. Following up in the same way over and over sucks.

He also emails one-two times a day. When people say email is dead it’s great for him, as this leaves less competition.

He alludes to the biased consumer mindset: “I don’t see it, so it doesn’t exist.” “People never click on ads! I mean, I never have”

He closes his talk with the Frank Kern fruit bowl example: selling something is like a bowl of fruit.

He offers to sell you the bowl of fruit, you say no.

He tells you about the health benefits of the apple, you say no.

He describes how tasty the strawberries are you say no.

He will continue to segment the same product an infinite number of ways, knowing he will get through eventually if it’s a properly identified prospect.

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Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.