Eight questions to ask yourself about your business this weekend

Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2017

🤔 Eight questions to ask yourself about your business this weekend:

* Why don’t our customers like us?

* If our company went out of business tomorrow, would anyone who doesn’t get a paycheck here care?

* How can we become the company that would put us out of business?

* Are we relevant? Will we be relevant five years from now? Ten?

* If we weren’t already in this business, would we enter it today? And if not, what are we going to do about it?

* What is the smallest subset of the problem we can usefully solve?

* Who, on the executive team or the board, has spoken to a customer recently?

* If I had to leave my organization for a year and the only communication I could have with employees was a single paragraph, what would I write?

* What do we need to start doing?

What are the most difficult questions you could ask a business?

Throw them down below 😈

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I’ve started an online accelerator for startups, entrepreneurs, and anyone ready to grow their business online. See details here: Beam me up Scotty!



Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.