Here’s a great sales letter from Neil Patel that came up on my Facebook feed.

Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2017

He’s one of the masters in this field.

Watch how he:

1. identifies his audience in the first two sentences (and gets rid of any irrelevant prospects at the same time)

2. Gets you in a loop of saying “yes”

3. Gives social proof about who he is now he’s got your attention

4. Gives a “core story” that you can empathize with (lost money, was naive etc)

5. Redemption story/happy ending — he made it!

6. …and now you can too!

7. With decent Call-to-action to get you into his funnel. Masterful.

(Also note: How short and spaced out the sentences are, so you don’t get overwhelmed)

Are you an entrepreneur who sells your products or services online?

If so, are you frustrated, overwhelmed and overloaded with all the so-called “surefire” ways to get traffic to your website…

And convert that traffic into PAYING customers?

Hi my name is Neil Patel and I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing.

Entrepreneur Magazine said I was the number 1 marketer in the world…

…and they also said I created one of the 100 most brilliant companies.

I started my first website at the age of 16 on a hope and a prayer…

I took all the money I had earned from working my tail off at Knott’s Berry Farm when I wasn’t going to school…

And I paid a marketing firm to help me get traffic to my website…

Thinking I was going to make it big overnight…

After all, they made these HUGE promises to me…

Plus, the were the experts — they should be able to deliver me results…

Well, the fact of the matter was…

This marketing firm provided no results and I quickly learned that I wasn’t alone…

Sound familiar?

Out of my frustration and the fact that I was now flat broke…

I decided I HAD to learn online marketing…

However, I couldn’t just learn EVERYTHING!

I really needed to focus my time and attention on just ONE THING…

Since I didn’t have a dime to my name, it made the decision easy for me…

My attention HAD to be on figuring out how to drive FREE traffic to my website and get that traffic to become customers…

And I needed to do it fast!

So I read all the books and blogs I could get my hands on…

Then I got to testing.

A lot of the things I tried failed…

However, I just kept going and going and going…

I HATE losing!!!!!!

Eventually, I started getting traffic to my first little website…

And people were buying my products :)

That’s when I knew I was on to something!

I kept making connections with other website owners — they all wanted to know what I was doing to

be so successful…

I told them my story of how I got ripped off by that marketing firm I initially hired…

Many of them relayed to me their same frustrations…

So I decided to start a marketing agency to help others do what I was doing for myself…

My first client was a power supply manufacturer and I helped them generate $25 million in sales…

And from that point I realized the REAL power of marketing…

I helped everyone that I could and built my reputation by being honest and over-delivering…

I’ve helped companies like Google, NBC, General Motors, Viacom, and eBay…

But nothing is more satisfying, than helping a small business owner succeed…

I’ve founded 4 multi-million dollar companies and learned the mistakes you should avoid…

I’ve written about them on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, Fast Company, and my own blogs…

It’s so awesome to know that colleges from all over the world are teaching my material in their classrooms…

Over the years I’ve received awards from the President of the U.S., The House of Representatives, and The United Nations…

People believe marketing is expensive and difficult…

Fortunately that’s not true…

There is a formula and even if you don’t have a technical background, you can get results…

And my mission is to share this formula with you…

Which is exactly why I’m here today…

I recently put together a free online workshop that I’d like to invite you to…

It’s called:

“How I Built 4 Multi-Million Dollar Companies With Free Traffic Available To Anybody…”

On this free workshop, you’ll discover a 9 step process I use to generate 195,013 visitors to my websites EVERY MONTH — WITHOUT paying for advertising…

AND how I convert those visitors into happy, customers :)

This is the exact same process I use in my marketing agency to get AMAZING results for small mom and pop businesses all the way to giants like NBC…

It’s time tested, proven and works for any business…

If that’s something you’re interested in, just click the link below and register today:

📈 Traffic and Copy Facebook Group: click here

📝 Traffic and Copy LinkedIn Group: click here

🚀 Traffic and Copy Website: click here

I’ve started an online accelerator for startups, entrepreneurs, and anyone ready to grow their business online. See details here: Beam me up Scotty!



Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.