“If you’re just doing it for the money, you’ll never be truly successful”

Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2017

I HATE how true this is. Here’s why:

I was seeing my performance coach this week and was like “My diet is good, I’m exercising every day, I drink enough water, I sleep enough, but I’m still getting (various productivity problems)

Then she said

“Then you’re probably blocking yourself because you aren’t doing what you truly want to do”

This has brought about a painful few days of self-reflection.

I’m making more money than ever with offers coming in daily in L.A., but reflecting on what I really want.

It’s tough, and this isn’t one of those “I have the answer” posts

What does this mean for you guys?


Yesterday I spoke at Justin Wu’s awesome All Things Social Media event in Beverly Hills. After my talk, I spent the next 10 hours speaking to others in the space, swapping growth hacks/knowledge etc.

I’m really interested in it :)

So many people I see in this group (and even some of my private coaching clients) it’s clear they’re not invested in what they’re doing:

- They can’t be bothered to write content

- They expect other people to post into their Facebook groups and keep it alive

- They don’t have original ideas as they don’t spend enough time researching/talking to people in the space

- They don’t like their customers/the industry they’re in

This is a recipe for business disaster.

My #1 thing for hiring people is not the companies they’ve worked for, or even what they’ve done in the past, it’s being able to talk at length about their area, with interesting insights, future-facing ideas, etc.

Some of you need to do the basics to meet rent and I get that, but as you grow, keep an eye on whether your procrastination is actually telling you something.

So, take 2 hours to write down what you really want before you start your week.

It could change everything.



Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.