😎 My article on the fastest way to create wealth💰💰 in 2017: HOW TO BUILD AN INTERNET MARKETING BUSINESS (Short version)

Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2017


I wrote this on Reddit recently in reply to someone, thought you may get value. Will go very well with all of the stuff I have in the bundle that I launched yesterday. Check it out: https://gum.co/xmasbundle2016

(Context was, a software engineer was asking how to escape working for someone else)

Here’s what I would do if you want that beach lyf:

Start a selling information/group coaching business.

Software engineering is VERY HARD for most people.

Teach it in a straightforward, easy way: Most people would kill for the 80k you make.

So, how do you do it?

* Create a Facebook group “Software engineering from beginner to pro”

* Invite any of your friends into the group who may be remotely interested in it. Join other groups, start conversations, start adding people as friends- invite them into your group also

* Ditto invite by email

* Post THREE TIMES a day in the groups, tips for getting started with coding (resources, videos you found helpful etc.)

* Encourage others to post useful tips (try and avoid external links, Facebook blocks them, not too unlike Reddit where internal and Imgur is preferred for most posts)

* After a few weeks/months, once the group is over 1,000 members, do a “launch” of an eBook “Getting started and getting hired in software engineering: The 20 things you should never do (and how to land a job without the stress) (or similar title)

* Do a launch with a Facebook live post to the group, which has been prepped using Jeff Walker’s “Product Launch Formula” (Why you’re writing this (to help people), What it is (an eBook you wish you had when you were starting out), how they can buy it (via a FB live post next week)

* Sell it for $49-$89

* Now you have a customer list.

* Treat this list like gold, add value, ask how you can help them

* Continue to grow the group

* Launch a group coaching program 6 weeks later. Aim to have 10 people in the group paying $600 a month

* Do two sessions per week- One hour where you teach via Gotowebinar, the other where you do code reviews and answer their questions

* This way you can 10x the money you would normally make coaching one-by-one

* Scale this up, do a launch every six weeks, one big ticket coaching, the next a small eBook

* Eventually do masterminds or private coaching, $3k — $5k

Hope this helps!

Leave me your questions in the comments. I love a challenge. :)



Vin Clancy
Traffic and Copy

Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.