The 2 Most Important Ways To Price Your Product or Service

Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

You’re great at what you do and you know you can deliver results for your clients.

You’re ready to get some sales and make some money

… But how much will your client be willing to pay?

What’s the right way to price your product or service without underpaying yourself or procrastinating while trying to get clients?

There are 2 main pricing decisions:

1. Time VS Fixed Packages

There are only so many hours in a day

So how valuable is your time?

When you charge on an hourly basis, it’s much easier to get work,

It takes less commitment from your client because there is no minimum price.

The other option is to charge a fixed price

I believe you should start charging as a package once you know how long the work takes you

Clients are usually happier to pay for a package

And if you can get the work done faster than before

You are now charging more for your time

2. Value VS Competitors Pricing

You can either charge based on the value you deliver to your client

Or use your competitors prices as a comparison

Personally, I prefer charging based on value because I’m confident in the results that I can get for my clients

Your clients WONT choose to work with you based on your pricing

They will choose to work with you

Because they trust you, your quality and ability to deliver results

More often than not

I find that my clients choose me

Regardless of my competitors pricing



Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy

MD at The CopySpace... I build businesses and kitesurf round the world