Top 5 Ways To Get Clients For A B2B Business

Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2018

It’s hard to generate a consistent supply of leads. It’s even easier to waste a lot of time doing things that aren’t generating revenue, especially if you’re unsure about where to start

That’s why I’ve created this list

The top 5 ways to get clients for a B2B business:

1. Create A FB group

If you haven’t started a Facebook group yet, it’s very easy. The first thing to do is invite all your Facebook friends. I didn’t want to be spammy, so I private messaged over 1,000 people

Getting to critical mass is key to succeeding with a Facebook group. Once you get your first 1,000 members, people will find your group suggested in Facebook. Make sure you post good content daily and respond to every single comment in the first month

Once your group is up and running you can get more clients by:

Doing launches

Holding webinars

Posting client case studies

All of the above are great for generating, leads or selling online courses

2. Email list

Launch a lead magnet around your topic. In Traffic and Copy — our topics are Growth Hacking, Copywriting and Lead Generation and so the lead magnets that succeed are about Growth Hacking, Copywriting and Lead Generation

It’s that simple. People will download your lead magnet in return for their email address.

You now have a marketing list you can write to daily. Email is still the most reliable way to convert people from fans to customers

3. Networking

Going to events is very time consuming. So, if I go to an event I want it to be an exclusive event, or I want to be the one speaking on stage. But, instead of going to events, you can do a lot more networking on Facebook or Linkedin

Here’s how: Find people on FB that are already running businesses you want to work with. Stalk them a little bit, find out what they like, follow them and send them a message. Maybe ask a question they can answer very quickly — or just reach out looking to connect

There are enough successful people out there. That means you only need to network with people you like, and if you get talking to enough successful people, you’ll find the ones that you get along with the best

4. Pick one thing for 5 years (hypothetically)

Before you start growth hacking and building your email list, you should be starting a business with the mindset that you’d like to run it for at least 5 years

Your 5 year plan should be to become the no.1 expert in that field. It doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind, but the intention should really be there…at the very worst start two businesses/services( if you really need it for cash flow)

When you decide on your core business, your FB group, email list and networking will all revolve around this one skill/offer/service

If you focus on one thing for 5 years you’ll get amazing client results and referrals. It’s a much easier way to build a business because not long after focusing on one thing, you’ll be able to:

Charge premium prices

Get clients better results

Get more work done in less time

Grow your email list more successfully

Get asked to do interviews on your chosen field

These are all things that never happen if you keep changing your service and what you offer

5. Lastly, deliver and deliver well

It doesn’t matter if you have to take on clients for free and it doesn’t matter if you’ve accidentally taken on 10 clients at once. If you have to stay up 18 hours a day to get your clients results — do it. If you have to stop making sales to focus on your clients getting results — do it. Because having great testimonials on your website means you can charge much more and it’ll be much easier to close a sale in future

Focus long term, you might have to say no to that extra $1,000 now — but I can promise you your reputation and long term income will be worth much more



Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy

MD at The CopySpace... I build businesses and kitesurf round the world