Triple Your Open Rate with FB Chat Bots To Get Webinar Registrations, Traffic and More Sales…

Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

What if I told you that FB chatbots can get a 90% open rate?

You can’t get such a high open rate anywhere else, the last time a platform had this much of an impact was email marketing in 1996

And right now, chatbots aren’t mainstream

It will take a long time for businesses to realise how valuable these bots are

And until then, they will be underutilised

This is good news for us

Because using a chatbot is a cheaper way to get clients and build relationships with your customers

Not only are they cheap and have a high open rates

They are also quick to set up

A simple bot only takes a day to set up

This sounds great, so what’s the catch?

There are downsides,

FB has rules that stop spam

Your sending is more restricted using chatbots than it would be using email

And you’ll need to be careful

Because chatbot success rates are dependent on Facebook not changing their algorithm

With the click of a button FB has the power to make you pay

Or reduce your reach

So you can’t only rely on your chatbots

You should always continue building your email list and slowly transfer your chatbot subscribers over to email aswell

This way you’ll enjoy all the benefits

Without the worrying that Facebook could destroy your business

Here’s how to setup your chatbot:

1. Come up with a lead magnet and give it away to get people to sign up

2. Use software
You don’t need to be good at code

Just sign up to Many Chat

Setting it up is free and easy

3. Message your customers once a week

Because if you message them more, the open rate will drop

Bonus: Facebook won’t let you send promotional broadcasts easily, the easiest way to convert chatbot subscribers to buyers is to send them an highly valuable advertorial or webinar

Chatbots are a great new marketing tactic that saves you time and increases your profits

We used chatbots to launch Gold Club in January, I was shocked how much easier it was to use than email marketing, and how many doors it opens for new business owners who want an email list of some kind, but hate technology

And that’s all for this post, if you’re not using chatbots yet, you should think about it



Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy

MD at The CopySpace... I build businesses and kitesurf round the world