What to do when your customers don’t trust you anymore

Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2018

“I don’t know what to do now, I need help! My customers don’t trust me anymore.” — I’ve seen this happen too many times in the business world

An influencer or a business has a good month and closes a lot of clients

But then they under deliver on products

Or they lie in their marketing

This is how business owners become scammers

And the scary thing is, it’s easier to do than you realise

Business owners focus too much on marketing instead of creating a good product

If you have a brilliant marketing strategy but a bad product you lose trust with your customers

And you won’t get recurring buyers, who’re extremely valuable

Creating quality products that give value is the key

Once your customers realise the value in what you sell, they will:

Want more

Buy more

Be willing to pay more ;)

The best compliment a business owner can get is when someone becomes a repeat buyer

It confirms that you’re on the right track

It’s not only good for your business today

It creates dedicated customers that will buy from you, again and again



Charlie (TAC) Price
Traffic and Copy

MD at The CopySpace... I build businesses and kitesurf round the world