Save your Trailblazer data

The Trailblazing Diaries
2 min readJul 8, 2017

On July 31st, Trailblazer’s services will be taken offline permanently, and our Chrome extension will no longer back up your trail data.

We’ve recently issued an update to the extension which gives you an option to download and preserve your trail data.

Downloading your trails

When you’ve received the update, the popup menu will include a link to a new interface within the extension.

Screenshot of opening the Trailblazer extension menu.

Click this, and you’ll see instructions on how to export your data.

You’ll also see on this page that you can load these backups back into the extension and keep viewing this data even after our servers go down.

To be on the safe side, we suggest the following:

  1. We recommend you first export “Your restored trails” (which is the 3rd option in the list). This saves the trail data currently in your Trailblazer extension to your Downloads folder .
  2. Next, using the first option in the list, force your Trailblazer extension to load all the trail data we have for your account from our servers. There’s a risk it might overwrite some of your local data, which is why we recommend doing this step second.
  3. Finally, with all your trail data loaded into Trailblazer, repeat step one. This time you might find the file is slightly larger than before as it contains all your trail data from our servers.


The trail data files are JSON files containing an unmodified copy of the data from the extension’s IndexedDB stores. They are exactly what is used by the extension, so it should be friendly if you want to do anything with it. It contains two keys, which are lists of:

  • Assignments (our internal name for trails)
  • Nodes (the pages you visit)

They’re not linked up or nested in anyway in the backup, however the ID references should (assuming everything is synced correctly) be intact and usable if you wish to reconstruct the graph.



The Trailblazing Diaries

I think a lot about software, processes, and the developer experience. Building at Alasco.