Top 5 Reasons Why Now Is the Time to Get Salesforce-Certified

When you earn a Salesforce certification, you’re proving to yourself, your employer, recruiters (and the world!) that you’ve got skills. No matter your role — administrator, architect, developer, marketer, or consultant — there’s a Salesforce certification that will help you take your career to the next level.

Tricia Austin
The Trailblazer
4 min readDec 19, 2019


This post has been updated to include all the latest and greatest in the Salesforce certification world. Check it out here.

A certification is an official acknowledgment of your awesomeness. No, really! It’s a badge of honor that shows that you know your stuff and can apply it in real-world situations.

Earning one requires a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication — they’re only granted after you’ve passed an exam process that tests your expertise in a particular area. So, certifications — no matter how you cut it — are kinda a big deal.

And you can rest assured that you’re learning about the latest leading innovations and honing in-demand skills that put you in the running for one of the 4.2 million jobs set to be created in the Salesforce ecosystem by 2024.

Sounds great, right? If you’re thinking about getting on board the certification train, check out these top five reasons why now is the time to earn your Salesforce certification.

Reason 1: Prove you’re the master of your domain.

Literally. When you earn a certification, you’re showing that you have serious Salesforce skills and aren’t afraid to use them. This not only builds your street cred among your colleagues but also makes customers sit up and take notice.

Choosing a well-rounded org with certified people? Sounds like a no-brainer for a customer faced with a decision.

Reason 2: Stay sharp so that you’re always on the cutting edge.

When you earn a certification, you can’t get too comfortable — and that’s a good thing. Salesforce releases a slew of innovative features three times a year, and you’ll be tested on each release to maintain your certification. That ensures you’re always up on the latest and greatest.

Being certified means that you’re committed to constantly learning and growing. After all, remember what they say: If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.

Reason 3: Become a productivity powerhouse.

We’re serious! Armed with the knowledge you’ve gained from earning a Salesforce certification, you work smarter, not harder. You’ll dive into projects faster, problem-solve like a champ, and execute solutions exceptionally.

You’ll also have the chops (and confidence) to help others tackle their own challenges, which will improve the entire team’s efficiency and productivity — and, we suspect, your manager’s mood.

Reason 4: Unlock the door to opportunities.

Scratch that — you bust down that door! When you earn a certification, a plethora of possibilities open up, whether it’s in the form of exciting new responsibilities in your current role or a promotion to a promising new position.

And, if you’re looking to take on an entirely new job in a different org, having a certification on your resume will immediately set you apart from the pack.

Lastly, we can’t forget about the impact a certification might have on your earning potential. While having a certification doesn’t necessarily guarantee a pay increase, we can say with certainty that certs are looked upon favorably when annual reviews roll around.

Reason 5: Give your employer a leg up.

Having a certification not only puts you in a prime position for success but also helps employers save time and money. By looking at certifications and validating employees’ skills, employers are able to quickly identify candidates for jobs and projects and get instant insight into areas of expertise that might need a little TLC.

If a role requires skills that don’t necessarily align with an existing formal college degree, certifications prove to be an excellent way to supplement learning and get employees up to speed, no matter what their major.

In short, when employers encourage their employees to pursue certifications, those employees feel valued and do better work, which in turn boosts the bottom line.

It’s a win-win!

Prep like a pro

If you’re ready to set off on your certification journey, get to steppin’ and schedule your exam! Then, check out these resources to prepare like a pro:

  • Cert Prep Trailmixes These magnificent mashups of trails, modules, projects, superbadges, and other resources conveniently align with topics in your exam outline.
  • Practice Resources and ExamsInteractive study tools including flashcards, practice exam questions, and downloadable study resources get you cert ready in no time.
  • Classroom Learning — Get recommendations for Trailhead Academy courses that you can opt to take virtually or on-site.
  • Trailblazer Community Use it to connect with, learn from, and get inspired by other Trailblazers on the road to certification.

Also be on the lookout for upcoming Certification Days. These 1-day webinars, led by Salesforce-certified instructors, provide a deep dive into specific exams — and get you one step closer to your #CertifiedPro goals.

And be sure to shout out your certification achievements on social so we can celebrate with you.

Good luck!

