BAM! Be A Multiplier & Empower Everyone to Skill Up With Trailhead

When we launched Trailhead, we set out on our mission. We wanted to provide an equal pathway for everyone to land a top job in the workforce of the future. And the response has been incredible! Today, over 7 million badges have been earned, and people from all walks of life have been inspired to transform their careers.

Sarah Joyce Franklin
The Trailblazer
3 min readMay 31, 2018


But there’s still a major equality gap in technology caused by many factors including the lack of accessible education. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up 47% and African Americans represent 12% of the US population, yet women only make up 18% and African Americans only represent 1% of the tech world.

And it’s a similar situation with Latinx workers, who make up 16% of the population and only represent 2% of the tech world. In order to close the equality gap in education once and for all, we need our Ohana to join us in starting a learning movement.

BAM! It’s time to bring education and opportunity to everyone. It’s time to Be A Multiplier.

Join the movement and make an impact

This is why we’re thrilled to announce BAM, the Be A Multiplier program. A multiplier is someone who amplifies and empowers those around them. There’s a huge opportunity for you to have an impact on your community by sharing your Trailblazer story and helping skill up others with Trailhead. Just imagine — if you empower 10 friends with Salesforce skills, and they inspire 10 more, and so on and so on, we can soon reach millions of people.

And even better — you can help champion equality for all in technology and change the ratios. Whether it’s your team at work, your book club, your kids in high school, your sports team, or your friends and family… all of you can share your knowledge and drive the change you want to see in your community.

Give back and lead a learning event

Sounds great, right? And we know how much you already love Trailhead and are eager to share your knowledge, but where do you start? There’s a lot of content out there and it can seem a little overwhelming. We got you! We’ve developed a path that gives you everything you need to host a Trailhead Workshop in your community.

Through five custom curated trailmixes, we’ll guide you through each step in organizing and hosting a learning event, wherever you are. Each trailmix is made up of introductory videos, new and existing Trailhead modules, hints and tips blog posts, customizable decks, and the templates you’ll need to run a successful event.

They’re free, they’re simple, and they’ll empower you with the ready-made content you need to lead an event on five different topics: Building your first app, holding a lunch-and-learn, hosting an equality workshop, building a battle station app, or running a hands-on workshop.

We’re giving you the tools you need to be part of the change. You can help people skill up for the jobs of the future and move the dial in the tech world. It starts with you, but the ripple effect could be epic.

Share your story to inspire others

Trailblazer Stephanie Herrera is an incredible example of someone who has shared her experience and expertise with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of others. Her story continues to inspire the Trailblazer Community, and one of our favorite quotes is from her:

“When you find something you love, your first instinct is to share it.”

So we don’t just want you to Be A Multiplier, we want you to share your stories as well! Shout out your BAM game plan to inspire others to join the learning movement.

BAM! Be empowered. Give back. And inspire others to be part of the change.



Sarah Joyce Franklin
The Trailblazer

technologist, marketer & mom with big dreams and bold visions. passionate about learning & equality. love nature, adventure, culture, and fitness.