Get Administrator Exam Ready with NEW Interactive Trailhead Badges

Salesforce Administrators are some of the most sought-after talent in tech, commanding an average salary of $95,000 (US data). It’s time for you to become an #AwesomeAdmin. And now, studying for your Salesforce Administrator certification exam just got a whole lot easier!

Kathryn Wilson
The Trailblazer
4 min readAug 7, 2019


Introducing the new Salesforce Administrator Certification Prep trail, designed as an interactive way to check if you’re Admin exam ready.

The path to becoming a Salesforce Admin includes learning on Trailhead, earning superbadges, and connecting with fellow Trailblazers in the Trailblazer Community.

It also means earning your Salesforce Administrator credential — the industry standard for Salesforce Admins worldwide — to demonstrate your knowledge of configuring and customizing the Salesforce application.

Possessing the Salesforce Administrator credential will give you a competitive edge that can lead to new opportunities.

And now, we’re introducing new ways to help you get prepared to take your Salesforce Administrator certification exam.

Cert study tools just got interactive

The new Salesforce Administrator Certification Prep trail contains four badges, with each badge covering a different section of the exam.

Topics covered in the badges mirror those that are covered on the exam, including:

  • Organizational Setup
  • User Setup
  • Security and Access
  • Standard and Custom Objects
  • Sales and Marketing Applications
  • Service and Support Applications
  • Activity Management and Collaboration
  • Data Management
  • Analytics — Reports and Dashboards
  • Workflow/Process Automation
  • Desktop and Mobile Administration
  • AppExchange

But what’s so special about this trail is the content innovations that are brand new to Trailhead. Flashcards, embedded practice questions, and downloadable materials — all specifically designed to help you on your Admin certification path.

Did someone say flashcards?

One of the best ways to study for an exam is to use flashcards. So we prepared a set of 80 and embedded them right into the badges. You just click the flashcard to turn it over and see the definition.

Studying on-the-go? Yep, they work on mobile, too. Just tap the flashcard to flip it over.

Click or tap the next one to keep going. You’ll find these embedded flashcards throughout the four new badges.

Practice questions in true exam style

Leading up to the exam, you’ll spend hours studying and earning badges. But when you sit down on the big day, you’ll be confronted with a set of questions you’ve never seen before, written in a style that’s nothing like how we write for Trailhead.

You’ve told us this is especially difficult. So we got you.

We created a set of 50 practice questions and embedded them into these four badges. Written in the same style as the questions you’ll find on the actual exam, you’ll not only get to practice sample questions but also the chance to become comfortable with the style of the questions themselves.

Obviously, these questions are for practice only — you’ll never find the exact same ones on the actual exam.

Not just right or wrong

Successful Salesforce Admins know that while it’s important to know how to do something in Salesforce, it’s equally important to know why you’d do something one way versus another.

This becomes even more critical as your career progresses and you work on more complex projects and troubleshooting.

It’s not enough to only know which questions you got wrong on a practice exam. You also need to understand why you got them wrong.

So, our enhanced practice questions detail the “why” behind your right or wrong answers.

Downloadable to help you study

We also know that many of you learn best when you write things down. But rather than make you copy all these awesome flashcards and practice questions, we’re giving them to you in a convenient downloadable file.

Check out the Download the Guide section found at the beginning of each unit within the Administrator Certification Prep trail.

But wait, there’s MOAR to come

And this is just the first. Up next, we’re working on similar badges to help you study for two other important Salesforce credentials: Platform Developer I and App Builder.

Check out the new Administrator Certification Prep trail today. We hope these new Trailhead badges will help you on the path to becoming Salesforce Administrator certified.

Don’t forget to shout out your progress toward becoming a #CertifiedPro so we can celebrate with you!



Kathryn Wilson
The Trailblazer

#Trailhead Content Writer at @Salesforce. Storytelling enthusiast. Always saying yes to new adventures.