Want to get noticed for a job? You need these top 3 resume writing tips from Indeed!

Our resumes are often the first and best chance to get noticed. The goal is to make it easy for recruiters and managers to see that you have the qualifications they’re looking for. To help demystify the process, we’ve partnered with Indeed on a badge covering top tips on how to write your resume.

Francisco H. Salanga III
The Trailblazer
4 min readSep 25, 2019


The first time I submitted my resume for a job, I assumed a lot. I assumed the employer would look at my work history, understand my experience beyond the words I wrote, and know right away what I could bring to the role.

But I got no response.

So I submitted my resume for another job (with the same assumptions). Again, no response.

The more I did this, the more I asked myself, “Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong with my resume? Are they even looking at my resume?” Apparently, the answers were yes, YES, and maybe not.

Skills matter. So do the words you use to describe them.

In my mind, I had the skills to meet the qualifications every employer was looking for. But, as it turned out, my resume just didn’t highlight those skills correctly. You need to remember:

Employers pay very close attention to how applicants list their skills and work history in resumes. But they also get hundreds or even thousands of applications for each role they post. To meet this challenge, more employers use apps to filter out resumes that don’t match their requirements.

This means that how you write your resume really matters.

Everything from the structure (Is it best to focus on each role you’ve held or call out specific skills?) to your choice of words (Should you use the general term, “project management”, or be more detailed by calling out “agile”?) influences how resume screeners read your resume and the impression you leave with the hiring manager.

More opportunity means more competition. Your resume needs to shine.

But writing that standout resume can be tough. That’s why Trailhead partnered with Indeed to help you make your resume shine.

Trailhead — the fun way to learn — is Salesforce’s learning platform with on-demand and expert-led content. It contains a wealth of knowledge and the skills you need to help navigate your career, wherever you are in your journey.

Learning on Trailhead can not only empower all you job seekers, career changers, and Trailblazers with the skills to thrive in today’s economy but also help you prepare for the jobs of tomorrow.

Trailhead modules give you step-by-step instruction in bite-sized learning chunks as well as interactive challenges through which you test your knowledge.

In the Resume Writing Strategies badge, we break down the elements of a stellar resume and give you the tools to help make yours stand out from the rest.

Resume Writing Strategies on trailhead.salesforce.com, craft a standout resume that helps you land your dream job.

By completing this badge, you’ll learn many tips and best practices. But here are the top three things you can do to make your resume stand out from the rest:

1. Start with a template

There are many free resume templates, resume samples, and resume builders out there. And there are several tailored to industry and scenario. Instead of starting from scratch, check out the samples to give your resume writing a head start.

2. Know your structure

Do you have a consistent job history? Are you trying to switch careers? Maybe you’re fresh out of college. In any case, there’s an ideal structure that fits your needs. Knowing how to list your jobs and highlight your skills is key to catching a recruiter’s attention.

3. Give yourself time (and edit, edit, edit)

Okay, there are technically four best practices here. But this is very important.

When you give yourself an hour or two to read, make tweaks, re-read, and make more tweaks, you’re making sure that your resume is as clear as possible and stands out above the rest.

The Trailhead badge for one and all

Found the job you want to apply for and now looking for useful tips on how to show you’re perfect for the role? This badge is for you. Changing careers and need help putting your skills in the right context? This badge is for you. Well into a great career, freshly graduated, or still in college and have minimal experience? You guessed it! This badge is for you, too.

Trailhead provides the learning on where to start, how to structure your resume, the best way to highlight relevant skills, and tips to craft engaging language that will help you stand out.

Now all you need to do is start writing your stellar resume!

Want to learn MOAR? Check out the Career Building in the Salesforce Ecosystem trailmix on Trailhead.



Francisco H. Salanga III
The Trailblazer

#Trailhead Lead Editor at @Salesforce, reader of books, writer of words, and watcher of movies.