How Trailhead with Trail Tracker Will Help You Drive Salesforce Adoption

You need to drive Salesforce adoption throughout your organization, and you know that Trailhead lays out the path to help you create a culture of learning at your company. It’s now time to squeeze all the goodness out of Trailhead. How? Measure, track, and report with Trail Tracker — the answer to all your adoption dreams.

Adam Torman
The Trailblazer
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2018


Trail Tracker, a free app on the AppExchange, helps you gain a better understanding of how well your teams know Salesforce — both the platform and the culture. You can see exactly where your employees are in their Trailhead learning journeys, help guide them toward their best path, and give them an incentive for learning even more.

Trail Tracker enables you to do some pretty amazing things:

  • Get in sync with your team. Automatically sync your employees’ Trailhead activity into your Salesforce org.
  • Create custom learning paths. Assign and track trailmixes to help develop personalized and structured learning journeys.
  • Automate your learning workflow:
  1. Assign relevant badges and trailmixes to your employees, with or without deadlines, to help personalize your onboarding and training programs.
  2. Track badges and trailmixes earned by individuals and teams to see their progress, then use this data to set up automated nurture and notification messages to encourage continuous learning.
  3. Report on results to keep motivation high and encourage adoption with gamification to incentivize learning through a little friendly competition.

Ready to take your team to the next level? Let’s dig in deeper to discuss how you can guide your employee learning adventures with Trail Tracker.

Sync up

We’re talking about Trail Tracker’s awesome ability to automatically sync your team’s Trailhead activity to your Salesforce org on a daily basis. Now you can see your team’s assigned, in-progress, and completed badges. This puts the data right at your fingertips to use however you like!

But what’s even more powerful are the pre-packaged reports and dashboards that come with Trail Tracker. You can simply clone and customize them to meet your business needs. You can track badge progress from assigned to completed, create leaderboards of your Trailblazers getting badgey, measure how long it takes for people to complete badges, and so much more.

You can even bring Trailhead data into Einstein Analytics for more powerful reporting. For example, you can build a report to see if there’s a connection between the badges your team has earned and your business goals.

Want to drive adoption of your newly rolled out Cloud? Looking to foster a culture of continuous learning? Need to upskill your teams to gain a higher ROI on your Salesforce investment? Trailhead with Trail Tracker is what you need. The beauty is, you can customize reporting to your heart’s content.

Once the data accumulates in Trail Tracker, the possibilities are (almost) endless. And if you want even more flexibility, you can easily integrate the data in your organization with a learning management system (LMS). This will give you a better overall view of how your employees are learning across Trailhead and other learning platforms. How? It’s easy! Simply use the sObject API to integrate your data into other systems.

We respect our Trailblazers’ privacy, and therefore, people have the ability to opt-in and opt-out of sharing their badge data with an org. If badge data for one of your employees isn’t showing up in Trail Tracker, simply discuss whether or not they want it included and how they can link their Trailhead accounts with your production org identity. This way, the data can be synced. Want more information about merging Trailhead accounts? Check out this helpful article.

Define, assign, and refine

After you’ve configured Trail Tracker to sync your employees’ Trailhead data, the next step is to define what they need to learn. Here’s where trailmixes, like customized learning playlists, become key. A trailmix gives you the ability to define a custom learning path then use Trail Tracker to assign it to your employees and track their progress.

Using Trail Tracker to assign a trailmix means it will show up at the top of the user’s home page in Trailhead, giving them a clear idea of what needs to be done. Assignees easily see their assigned badges, including those they have started and completed. Your users can also see badge due dates, which helps keep their eyes on the prize.

Having visibility into Trailhead data, combined with the ability to tweak and target learning journeys (and other training programs), particularly comes into its own when onboarding new employees. It gives you a way to not only combine and assign the modules and projects needed for new employees to hit the ground running but also to track their skilling-up progress.

Be a track star

OK, you’ve synced your employees’ Trailhead data, assigned some trailmixes… now what? It’s trackin’ time! This is where Trail Tracker really shines (I mean, it’s called Trail Tracker for a reason). With Trail Tracker’s prebuilt reports and dashboards, you can track badges earned both by individual users and teams.

Users can even track their own progress against milestones, give themselves a high five for the badges they’ve earned, and see how they rank against their peers.

🌟Pro Tip: To add a cherry on top of your adoption efforts, check out how admins can now display a user’s Trailhead badges directly on their profile in their Salesforce org!

Reporting for duty

Reporting on your employees’ Trailhead activity is a cinch with Trail Tracker. It includes out-of-the-box reports such as Most Popular Badges, Most Active Users, and Total Badges Assigned, as well as custom visualizations (such as charts and graphs) of key metrics. Use leaderboards to motivate employees, provide transparency on how teams are doing, and champion adoption.

Trailhead for Sales Team dashboard correlating learning to closed deals.

Trail Tracker also rocks in other ways. It gives you the ability to track badge and trail metadata, like new modules or trails that have been introduced in the last month, so you can notify interested users. You can track a user’s activity, such as earning a badge through a specific module, superbadge, or project. And, of course, you can track their progress through assigned trailmixes.

You can also assign all of the badges in a specific trail and generate a report to track overall trail completion. And while Trail Tracker doesn’t report on trails per se, it does feature a Trails Tab to track when new content comes out.

Guide them to greatness

Thanks to Trail Tracker, you have powerful visibility into your employees’ learning journeys and are poised to guide them to greatness. So, get thee to the AppExchange and download away. Trail Tracker is easy to install and even easier to use. You can get started on installation by visiting our Introducing Trail Tracker guide. Have more questions? Check out our Trail Tracker FAQ.

Join the likes of BlackBerry, Autodesk, Camping World, ConnectOne Bank, and nCino to get everyone blazing trails together.

Trailhead (with Trail Tracker!) can help scale onboarding, inspire employees to learn, and drive Salesforce adoption. Want to know more? Check out our top tips to drive continuous learning in your company.

Happy (tracked!) trails.



Adam Torman
The Trailblazer

I try to dream up at least 10 impossible things before 10am everyday.