5 things you need to know about our new VP Trailblazer Community & Trailhead Evangelism

Leah McGowen-Hare is a career developer and master instructor who has been at Salesforce for more than 10 years. As we welcome Trailblazer Community Leah with a big, global group hug, let’s learn about her Trailblazer journey and what she’s most excited about for the future.

Becky de Loryn
The Trailblazer
5 min readOct 24, 2019


Many of our Trailblazer Community leaders and members are among the 13,500+ developers and admins Leah has trained. And even more of you have seen her speak at Trailblazer Community Conferences and Salesforce events (remember that entrance to the 2017 Dreamforce keynote?).

We’re so excited that Leah is our new VP Trailblazer Community & Trailhead Evangelism that we just had to share more about what makes her so amazing. So, grab a coffee, sit back, and enjoy this five question chat we had with Leah, then spread the love for all she does on social via #TrailblazerCommunity.

Q: What is your #MyTrailblazerStory in a nutshell?

A: I started off as a dance major in college. My father, a brilliant man, really wanted to help me re-envision myself.

He said, “I know you see images of yourself in the dance world… Alvin Ailey, Fame… You’re a gifted dancer, and it feels like an easy path. But you’re a multi-faceted, multi-talented person, and you have gifts in other spaces, like science and technology. You have a brilliant ability to code, which most people don’t.”

I said, “Yes, Daddy, but I’m a dancer,” and twirled away.

It took a couple of starving artist summers in New York City before I met a 30-year-old waitress who was still trying to “make it”, and the reality of my Dad’s message sunk in. So I changed my major to computer science. The next summer, I went back to New York as an intern at Con Edison and built software to plot their manholes and even got to go into a few, hard hat and all.

After several years building my career as a consultant, developer, and dev team leader, I realized something was missing. I needed to truly connect with people regularly. I didn’t want to lose my tech edge, so I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue a role in teaching technology.

When I first heard about the opportunity, I thought, “Oh my goodness, I get to talk about technology all day and infuse fun into it? I’m IN!” Being an educator felt so natural, probably because I was raised by educators; my dad was a professor and my mom was a teacher.

I saw how Trailhead opens education to the world at scale and I was hooked. I wanted to be a part of bringing it to the world. So I took another leap of faith into Trailhead Evangelism.

That led to an amazing opportunity to work with beautiful minds to launch the Be A Multiplier program — making it easier for everyone to teach Salesforce basics to the communities they love.

And now, I get to focus on our truly special sauce — this amazing Trailblazer Community.

Q: Why do you think the Trailblazer Community is the heart of Salesforce?

A: I’ve been in technology and development for several different platforms, and I’ve never seen anything like this. I’ve never witnessed a group of people come together, initially on the premise of a technology, and turn it into something so much more.

The Trailblazer Community is an organism that has taken on a life of its own. Like a bright light shining everywhere. Spreading love and #Trailheart to all.

Our community has turned the focus inside out and made it all about people. They serve each other to be successful in their lives. That breathes life into technology. It has created an energy that more people want to be part of. And a pervasive love that makes us all want to include others.

Q: What’s your favorite special moment you’ve shared with Trailblazers in the community?

A: Each time I interact with our amazing Trailblazers, I am filled with their energy and it always inspires me to do more. That makes it nearly impossible to pick a favorite memory, but I have two that touched me very deeply and personally.

The first was back in 2016 when I spoke at the Dreamforce Developer Keynote. It was the biggest audience I’ve ever “taught”… a pretty intimidating experience. It took more preparation than I could ever have imagined. But it all paid off when Osize Omoluabi approached me afterwards and asked for a picture.

He wanted to show his daughters so they’d know that people like them actually exist on these bigger stages. It was so humbling, as I remember being a little girl and not seeing people like me to aspire to. That moment inspired me to be as bold and visible as possible.

Another amazing first was at French Touch Dreamin’. Though I’d already been a speaker at several other Trailblazer Community Conferences, this was the first time I’d spoken internationally, and I was asked to share a personal story instead of a tech talk.

I was intimidated by all the newness, but I decided to embrace it. So I shared my personal story and connected at a very human level. When you do that, it transcends race, gender, ethnicity… It’s just a human connection.

One of my favorite quotes is from Coretta Scott King: “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

The warm reception and amazing spirit among our French Trailblazer Community really touched me. Best of all, I was able to share the wonder of this community with my family and see my own daughter be inspired by all the magic around her, including seeing her mom on stage!

Q: What do you want everyone in the community to know about you?

A: Many people have seen me present, so that’s their perception of me. But I also want people to know that I truly love to listen, gather information, find the connective tissue and patterns, and then amplify the similarities.

I’m very transparent and want everyone around me to feel comfortable being the same. Don’t twirl around or away, we’re in this dance together.

And the biggest thing you need to know? My family is EVERYTHING to me.

Q: And finally, what are you most excited about for your first year leading our Trailblazer Community?

A: I look forward to listening… a lot! I want to get to know the Trailblazer Community team better along with our extended team of amazing community leaders. Working together, we can build upon this rock-solid foundation so we can shine more lights, even brighter.

I can’t wait to bring more Trailblazers from all walks of life into this incredible world of opportunity.

Inspired by Leah’s journey? Check out the Trailblazer Community Groups badge on Trailhead and join the online Trailblazer Community.

Join us in sending Leah all our #Trailheart in a warm #TrailblazerCommunity welcome to her new role!



Becky de Loryn
The Trailblazer

Lucky Salesforce marketer! I build awareness and participation in the amazing #TrailblazerCommunity and spotlight incredible Trailblazer stories.