The Real Value of Becoming Salesforce-Certified

The truth is, at first I didn’t understand the value of being Salesforce-certified. I had experience. I felt I knew everything there was to know about Salesforce and that certification was just a “tick in the box.” It was when I searched for a new job that I discovered how wrong I was.

Amnon Kruvi
The Trailblazer
5 min readMar 14, 2019


I first came across Salesforce when I took on a short-term contract to join a team developing a mobile app. We used the platform as our back end but had no experienced developers to guide us. Trial and error were my teachers. To my surprise, this temporary project carried on for nearly 5 years.

During that time, I took the Platform Developer I exam because I was required to, not because I wanted to. When the project came to an end and I was searching for a new opportunity, adding more certifications to my portfolio didn’t even cross my mind. My experience would speak for itself.

Experience alone is not always enough

Certifications are just as desirable as experience to employers. I was regularly grilled and rejected solely based on my lack of them.

One clever individual even challenged me to obtain three certifications if I wanted a position. The smug look was soon wiped from my face when, after putting in zero effort to study, I failed the Platform App Builder exam.

After a little wallowing, I picked myself up and accepted the challenge. I would put my years of experience to work. And I would fill in the gaps of my knowledge (and change any bad habits I may have picked up!) to become a better, more productive, more knowledgeable Salesforce pro.

Develop a new way of working

The first thing I did was pore over the exam guide and start studying. Each exam has a Trailhead Trailmix to help you prepare. I followed and completed the Prepare for Your Platform App Builder Credential trailmix.

And, to my surprise, I discovered entire features I had only ever heard of in passing. These lessons learned would not only be the difference between me passing or failing the exam but also the key to developing entirely new ways of working.

Exam retake day came. This time, I passed.

In earning this certification, one truth became abundantly clear: Experience means you know how to do something, but it does not necessarily mean you know the best way to do it. I learned to approach studying with an open mind, without assuming I had all the answers already.

Combining practical experience with theory and best practices helps to create a true and lasting understanding of a subject.

As I continued to take more exams, I found I was able to unravel the schematics of what makes the Salesforce Platform tick. And I discovered that becoming certified can actually make you a better Administrator, Developer, Architect, and more…

Recently, I was faced with the task of developing a new mobile solution. I relied on my experience to understand what issues I would encounter, but I also called on the knowledge I’d gained through studying for my exams to find solutions I wouldn’t have even considered otherwise.

The real-life application of learning

Trailhead makes learning available to all for free and adds fun via gamification. And it has inspired a whole learning movement within the #SalesforceOhana.

I relied heavily on Trailhead for my studies and started to apply the insights I’d gained through my learning to the real-life scenarios I was facing. This also helped me coordinate the integration of different teams using different systems, both on and off Salesforce.

Trailmixes like the Architect Journey: Integration Architecture cover topics that apply to software design in general. Subjects such as OAuth, ETL and integration platforms, Heroku, and Single Sign-On have various practical applications beyond Salesforce.

Reaping the rewards

Becoming certified comes at a cost, both financially and time-wise. But employers who are willing to pay for these exams and give you the time to study will reap the benefits of your enhanced skills.

Being certified means I’m happy to put my experience to work and build out my knowledge. I now design better solutions for our customers, making them happy. And my employer is happy to see the clear correlation between the amount of time spent studying and the quality of work.

Win, win, win!

Let’s all get certified

To start, pick the topic most relevant to you (check out this handy certification overview for inspiration) and get your manager’s full support. You may want to ask them for time off to study or to pay for the exam costs.

Remember: Investing in you also means investing in the company and in the results you’ll deliver.

Then, make time to study. Schedule an hour each day, start with Trailhead, then add articles and blogs. Here are my tried-and-tested top 6 study tips:

  1. Earn Trailhead badges
    When discovering a new topic, do all the Trailhead modules you can, especially the projects that will help you gain practical experience.
  2. Engage with the community
    The Trailblazer Community offers a wealth of information; connect with others as they share their own certification experiences, tips on topics to focus on, advice, and more.
  3. Read articles
    Find posts that go into greater depth on specific subjects relevant to your exam.
  4. Draw on your experience
    Ask yourself, “What have I done in the past that relates to this topic?” and “How would I do things differently now?”
  5. Attend a class
    Nothing beats in-person, expert-led training to solidify your knowledge.
  6. Invest the time
    Put aside large blocks of time to study. Spend at least an hour each day — with no interruptions — and significantly more in the days leading up to your exam.

Begin your journey

All that’s left to do is ace your exam and experience the benefits for yourself. And don’t worry if you don’t pass the first time… It’s all part of the learning experience. Plus, the section-level feedback you receive at the end of each exam will highlight the areas to brush up on for the retake.

My certification journey, from 1x to 14x certified, has made me a more well-rounded Salesforce professional. Each certification draws more interest from recruiters and employers.

Companies that did not return my emails 6 months prior are now chasing me with offers. And my professional network has doubled in size over the past year.

The value of becoming Salesforce-certified is real. Join me! Start your path to #CertifiedPro today!

Want to take the leap and get started (or build!) on your Salesforce certification journey? Here’s everything you need to know.



Amnon Kruvi
The Trailblazer

Director, Kruvi Solutions. Founder of @IsimioSchedule. 14x Salesforce-certified. Known to burst into song while giving professional presentations.