How A Bodyweight Fitness Retreat Especially For Women Can Take Your Life To The Next Level

Danielle Gray
Train Like A Gymnast
6 min readApr 7, 2019

Focus On Personal Development, Physical Strength, Empowering Beliefs, Nutrition, & Teamwork

Potential Location for the next Train Like A Gymnast Retreat

Fitness and niche athletic retreats are becoming all the rage as a way to connect with people all over the world who enjoy a specific type of training style. This is by no means simply a vacation for relaxation. Definitely not. This will be a chance for you to really dig deep, make some physiological changes, experience some deep emotions with your new team. It’s much more than just working on your tumbling and playing camp games. The RIGHT fitness retreat can mean the difference between temporarily seeing some results when you’re motivated, or understanding what holds you back to be able to make lasting change and inspire others with your transformation story.

Former Athletes

Do you relate to the paragraph above? If so, you are looking for answers. You know you’ve got more potential inside that you’re not tapping into. You know what it takes to be great. You’ve been great. You have what it takes. You’ve seen what your body can do. What it can look like. And you want that back. But you choose to believe all the stories you tell yourself. “I don’t have enough time. I’m too tired at the end of the day. I don’t have enough money. I’m too busy.

These are called limiting beliefs. These beliefs hold us back from taking action, making decisions, and progressing. Think of what would happen if we simply chose not to believe these statements… We are not the first ones to have thought those thoughts. They are the thoughts of the mind.

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

It is so hard to be a woman nowadays. Fitness and body goals are everywhere in the media. We’re supposed to be lean, have definition and a flat stomach, have curves, but not have too much of any one thing or we lose some of our attractiveness. Says who?

Ourselves. Other women.

We pit ourselves against one another. We are quick to judge and even faster to judge ourselves. Have you ever listened to the voice in your head? I mean really listened. Listen to the tone of voice you use with yourself when you beat yourself up. Listen to how rude you are to yourself. I doubt any of us would say we are mean-spirited people, but does that hold true when we look within? I want you to say all the negative things you tell yourself regularly right now. Say them again. Mean it. Make them even more hurtful. How do you feel?

We see before and afters, we watch trashy yet inspirational reality TV shows where people achieve amazing results. We’re invested in their story for the time they are on air. How do we know their lives were changed forever? How do we know the tools they were given were sustainable? How do we know the root cause of their behavior was changed allowing them to understand their triggers and replace their past behaviors? We see unrealistic standards of women everywhere we look: commercials, magazines, social media, movies, billboards, video games, and just about every representation of women.

It’s impossible to give everything you’ve got to your family, friends, coworkers, and most importantly, yourself when you are too exhausted from your work at the end of the day or physically cannot do something because of your fitness level. Since we are overachievers, we feel guilty when we cannot give as much as we want to, don’t look a certain way, or can’t do something in particular. No beating yourself up. It is not allowed unless you have a coach intentionally pulling you through the process.

If you feel your best, you can give your best. A fitness retreat can provide a much needed reset.

A retreat with incredible experienced hosts and speakers surrounded by likeminded women with the same goals provides a safe, empowering experience through sharing diverse perspectives, stories, and experiences. Fitness has changed over the years and while gymnastics is a very particular sport as a whole, the majority of athletes and general population could benefit greatly from functional bodyweight conditioning. Our style of training has changed many women who have felt lonely, isolated, depressed, and unmotivated to motivated, strong, inspirational women on the same team.

Running On “E”

If your tank is half full or nearing “E” from always giving to others and never yourself, this retreat is a chance for you to make a pit stop and refill your tank so you can keep driving to get to your final destination.

Gymnastics training can create friendships and memories that last a lifetime. 2005 Junior Olympic Meet

When you start trying to get in shape, it is easy to get overwhelmed. You get consumed by the details of what to eat, how you should train, how many sets, what is best for my body, what time to I eat, and all of that can lead to burnout, a sense of failure, and inadequacy.

This is all part of your journey to discovering what works best for you, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t know any successful athlete who has done everything on their own. I knew gymnasts who trained independently, but they were never as good as a gymnast who had a coach and a team supporting their efforts. When you are so busy trying to figure out everything you’re supposed to be doing health and fitness wise when it’s not your full time job, you are taking valuable time away from your career, relationships, and actual training time. YOU are the one who needs to be guided and your only worry should be to execute. YOU are the one who needs have someone to go to when you need help, support, and advice. YOU are the one who needs to assess whether or not you have time to become a certified personal trainer and registered dietician to learn everything you need to do along with everything else you currently are juggling in your life.

And this is where a fitness retreat can be the perfect way to let you experience the luxury of coaches doing the backend work for you, and you show up and take action. It’s an organized experience of personal growth and self-discovery.

The Next Level

Private fitness retreats with limited attendees are intimate in nature and allow for incredible relationship building. The amount of time spent with the other ladies on the retreat cannot be replicated or accomplished when you work out alone. This gives you a chance to meet your teammates in real life and remind yourself that you are not alone on this journey. This level of closeness can only be achieved through time spent together and face-to-face connection. Since our program is a virtual program, I wanted to offer the chance to meet in person at least twice a year so you get the best of both worlds.

We aim to motivate, inspire, and challenge your current state and elevate you to the next level. What will it take for you to stop dabbling in everything and commit to making lasting change?

To win at life and in health and fitness, you need a game plan. We will help you break down the steps that are required for success —structure, accountability, support, teammates, and a few more vital components. Then your action steps need to be evaluated and put in order. You will receive exclusive brainstorming and strategy methods to construct a clear picture of your path forward. Once you have certainty, you can execute without a doubt to progress.

Danielle Gray is the founder of Train Like A Gymnast on a mission to create a movement of high achieving women who want to feel like the athlete they once were again. She successfully teaches the new behaviors and helps her clients make the changes that close the gap between Who They Are and Who They Want To Be. She also hosts Train Like A Gymnast Retreats. The next retreat will be in early 2020. Learn more at To start prepping for the retreat, you can start training at home with your own Train Like A Gymnast workout kit!



Danielle Gray
Train Like A Gymnast

Danielle is a fitness model, online gymnastics coach & LA based certified PT who coaches women to realize their full potential through unique conditioning.