Underwater with Camille

Trainline’s Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2022

Camille Rebours, Facilities Coordinator in our Paris office, shares with us his love for both the ocean and photography. He brings this to life via his website: https://www.scubachingon.com/ where he takes us underwater with him around the islands of Greece, the beautiful Marseille and the breathtaking Philippines.

Let’s dive together into his world…

How did you get started?

For one of my birthdays, I got a waterproof GoPro camera, so I started to film my dives with it. I then quickly felt like I couldn’t go underwater without bringing back images!

Where did the idea come from?

I met Franck Fougères, an underwater filmmaker that worked for National Geographic on a boat in the Red Sea. He was interested in my DIY GoPro tray made with aluminum plates and bicycle grips, and besides nicely making fun of me, he gave me advice on how to improve it. When I saw his films back home, I realized how cool it was and I bought a new camera, then tried to understand how these things work (which I’m still currently doing!).

What was the main challenge?

The biggest challenge was to learn how to do stable shots, as shaky underwater footage makes your audience seasick ?.

Do you have any advice to share with others who would like to do the same?

  1. Have fun! You can start with any type of gear — try out different modes, play around with them and push it to its limits. After that you can decide if you want to invest more.
  2. Don’t film everything you see, start by enjoying the scene through your eyes, not through the lens of a camera.
  3. Try to interact with the animal before filming, don’t rush, let it be curious too, then try to figure out how you’re going to film/shoot it.

Thanks to Camille for sharing his story! Find out more and follow Camille’s accounts here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scubachingon/?hl=fr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseWnVe3dHi-lgneIqVD7EA

