6 environmental healthy habits to adopt to make a difference

Sumaiya Khalid
Trains of thought
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2019

Climate change has been a contentious topic, not unlike evolution. Except we can spend hundreds of years debating whether evolution is just a myth or an actual ongoing biological process (spoiler alert, it’s the latter). Unfortunately we don’t have hundreds of years on our hands to waste debating if climate change is real and an issue of utmost concern.

We’re heading towards a catastrophe with the increase in disturbance in climate and if we look around we already see the signs. This is a state of emergency worldwide.

During the General Assembly, High level meeting on climate and sustainable development held on 28th March 2019, the UN declared that we have only 11 years left to prevent the irreversible damage done or our planet will be beyond repair. 11 years to undo the damage we have been doing for hundreds of years!

Here are some tweaks to our lifestyle that can possibly save our environment:

1. Parting ways with plastic

Plastic is one of the most fatal enemies of nature, yet the human race clings to it like a new born to its mother. About 300 million tons of plastic is produced globally in a single year and only 10% of it is re-cycled. Every year about 100,000 marine animals die due to ingesting plastic or getting entangled in it. Plastics do not decompose and when burned release greenhouse gases, a major contributor to rising temperatures.

Even after being banned by the government, plastic bags are still in continuous use. It’s like an old age tradition to keep a plastic bag full of other plastic bags. From shopping at a big store to buying groceries at a local market we’re handed a plastic bag. At any event plastic cutlery is the norm.

But it’s time now that we bid plastics a farewell and switch to better environment friendly alternatives- recycled and recyclable paper and cloth bags. Instead of plastic cutlery, go for compostable ones, which are made of bio-organic material. Avoid using plastic straws and packing materials.

2. Building a strong union with plants

According to a report, 18 million acres of forest is lost each year. Trees solely are responsible for producing oxygen, the one thing without which all life forms would cease to exist, and help in balancing the overall temperature. We need to make plants an important part of our lifestyle.

Surrounding yourself with plants can do wonders to your physical and mental health as well as to nature’s health. Planting trees and caring for nature is a very fulfilling activity and is probably the strongest weapon against climate change. Plant trees and shrubs in your locality and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Old plastic bottles can be used to grow indoor plants which a) adds to the beauty of your home b) purify the air.

3. Cautious use of Energy

With the increase in temperature our use of AC’s increases which ultimately contributes to the increasing temperature, it’s a vicious cycle!

AC’s and refrigerators are leading contributors in greenhouse gases and sadly both of these devices have become a necessity. The use of electrical appliances all around the globe has increased drastically with which the threat to more adverse conditions increases.

Very basic steps such as switching off appliances when not in use could save our money and our planet. Using LED bulbs instead of CFLs, buying high energy rated appliances and utilizing solar energy are few ways we can help our planet.

4. Spending water by the dime

If you’re not living under a rock then you must know about the ongoing water crisis throughout the world. According to a report, 21 Indian cities will run out of water by 2020, few of them are already experiencing the adversity. Chennai, one of the major Indian cities has run out of groundwater. Lakes have gone dry, there’s a sharp decline in monsoon rains and water there is being sold at the price of gold.

Countries like Spain, Morocco, United States, and Iraq are all facing major water crisis and if our carelessness towards water remains the same then the list would surely increase.

Water is one of the most essential resources for human survival and we need to be more careful and spend it cautiously, avoiding any kind of wastage. Use bucket water instead of showers. Avoid using pipes for watering and washing purpose. Do not leave your taps open, not even for a minute!

Practice rain water harvesting which is collecting rain water and using it for various purposes.

Dry Puzhal lake in chennai; source: PTI

5. Reducing the use of vehicles

According to EPA 75% of total Carbon monoxide is emitted by automobiles. Cars release 333 million tons in US alone. Vehicles are the evil force in air pollution causing 1/3rd of the total pollution.

We should use public transports like e-rickshaws, rickshaws and CNG auto-rickshaws whenever possible.

A group of friends travelling separately can often carpool and save a lot of fuel. Use of bicycles should be encouraged. If the destination is within walking distance we should prefer to walk. This kind of lifestyle benefits us as well.

6. Managing waste more responsibly

We all know the 3R’s of waste management; REUSE, REDUCE AND RECYCLE

Managing waste properly and practicing the 3R’s is important for the health of our planet. We should separate the waste and throw out only the organic ones.

Buying good quality plastic and reusing it as much as possible. Recycling all metallic and plastic wastes. We can also compost the organic waste to use as manure for plants.

We probably must have studied all these in school but its high time now to put them in use because our planet is already ill and the condition is worsening day by day.

We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation. — Francois Hollande

