The TrakCrypto Show Platinum Sponsor — LYK Token

Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2018
Winners of the TrakCrypto Show stand to win $30,000 worth of LYK tokens!

We are super excited to announce Loyakk​ as our platinum sponsor for The TrakCrypto Show — Loyakk is a tokenised data container for companies to share and track business data across the world. With a World class team and named as a Top 10 blockchain solutions vendor, Loyakk is the 1st Blockchain-enabled Platform for Decentralized Business Networks. Loyakk currently has an ongoing public sale ICO on and is rated as 5 stars by Track ICO.

Loyakk transforms how companies collaborate & share data with partners, distributors, channel, vendors across the world and saves billions of dollars lost in data leaks, IP theft & contract disputes.

Loyakk solves a multi-billion dollar problem for business around the world with a patent-pending platform that targets a very large addressable market. Loyakk’s solution ​extends blockchain with patent-pending extensions to support enterprise requirements.​ ​ The LYK token is a Data Container and Protector, and it tracks critical business data as it moves across company boundaries​.

Enterprise Security Magazine names Loyakk a ‘Top 10 Blockchain Solution Vendor -2018

Participate and win $30,000 worth LYK token —




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