2024 total solar eclipse: A rare travel occurrence

A celestial phenomenon on the 8th of April will have 31.5 million people in the U.S. casually look up into the skies from their kitchen windows.

Trameter Stories
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Scott Szarapka on Unsplash

This is your cue to join tens of millions of umbraphiles — eclipse chasers — heading to the celestial dance of moon and sun. It’s total solar eclipse time!

Not seen this, not done this

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Eclipse? Meh, seen one, seen ’em all, right?” Wrong!

Except if you’re lucky enough to call Carbondale, Illinois home, that is. Those lucky ducks get to witness a second total solar eclipse in just seven years! Science is still picking its jaw up off the floor.

But why is this one so special, you ask?

Well, for starters, it’s not throwing the show over some inaccessible part of the globe. Nope, this time, nature’s putting on a spectacle that spans Mexico, the good ol’ US of A, and Canada. In the U.S., we’re talking 13 states from Texas to Maine being in the prime viewing zone.

If you get to see it, you’ll experience the magic hour — the sun’s rays dimming, the world around you plunging into surreal darkness, night coming to life, animals, from the tiniest insects to the mighty beasts, groove into instant hypnosis, then bam — the light comes roaring back all in less than 5 minutes — the longest in history! It’s like witnessing a cosmic magic trick, and you’ve got front-row seats and hopefully, eclipse glasses.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime kinda deal. Sure, eclipses happen every 18 months or so, but for your neck of the woods to catch one? That’s a rarity, my friend — like finding a unicorn in your backyard.

Not only are you getting a front-row ticket to the eclipse show, but you’ll also be treated to the sight of the Devil Comet making its grand entrance after 70 years.

Where’s the party at?

It promises to be a fun weekend getaway and a total eclipse fest in the cities along the path of totality! Local communities are the show’s host with hundreds of thousands flocking to their lit viewing parties. Indiana’s stepping up its game — no longer just a flyover city, it’s becoming THE destination for eclipse chasers.

Eclipse viewers

Flight bookings and hotel reservations are through the roof, signaling a major economic boost for the tourism industry. This eclipse fest is bringing fun vibes and even bigger bucks for locals.

Still thinking about it?

I didn’t think so. Dust off your travel bucket list, grab those eclipse glasses (safety first), and get ready to witness nature’s greatest show.

And hey, a word to the wise — keep an eye on the weather. While we’re all crossing our fingers for clear skies, Mother Nature likes to keep us on our toes. Stay flexible, stay curious, and get ready to make some memories that’ll last a lifetime…or the next 20 years!

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