Your 2024 Travel Resolutions Don’t Have to Chill

Be the chill traveler with these classic strategies for a better year of travel

Trameter Stories
4 min readJan 9, 2024


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Happy New Year!

It’s my joy to welcome you to another trip around the sun. Yay!

Like every new year, 2024 started with that infectious ‘new year, new me’ energy. Social media is buzzing with self-improvement plans, and travel is in on the action. Everyone wants to be the Chill Traveler. From hitting up new spots to supporting local businesses, people are setting some cool travel resolutions.

Bet you’ve got a few resolutions of your own, right? Now that we’re 1 week down and 51 to go, spill the tea — how’s it going for you?

I get it, the high that comes with making resolutions is a rollercoaster — fueled by the desire to level up or maybe just the FOMO of not doing it. Now you’re making a long list of things to accomplish in record time, forgetting that you’re human and no bibbidi bobbidi boo can make you go from 1 to 100 without breaking a sweat!

However, as the hype of the first day chills out, you find yourself second-guessing the game-changing nature of your resolutions. But hold up, don’t ditch them just yet. Reality might be creeping in, but your motivation doesn’t have to bail.

No judgment here. I’m here to help, throwing in the spark you need to keep the vibe alive. Here are some tips to keep your resolutions on fire;

Ditch that Purpose Paralysis

If you skipped a lot of travel last year because you felt you needed a world-changing purpose, let’s drop that vibe. You don’t need a Mother Theresa-level purpose to see the world. Treat the world like a rad piece of art (which it totally is) and see yourself as the art connoisseur.

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Enjoy the beauty without stressing about deep perspectives for your socials. Plus, many people discover their travel purpose on the journey, not before. After all, life happens while you’re busy making other plans.

Don’t Leave Your Comfort Zone

Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard ‘leave your comfort zone’ a zillion times. Truth is, not everyone can rock in an alien situation, and that’s cool. If stepping out of your comfort zone wrecked your travel plans last year, that’s not happening again.

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Craving Italian cuisine? Find the nearest Italian joint and plan a swanky meal.

Start small, enjoy alternatives, and slowly prep your mind for the big leap. Before you know it, you might be backpacking across Europe by the end of the year.

Remove the Cogs in your Travel Wheels

Travel’s a blast, no doubt. But overthinking logistics can be a downer. Want to travel more this year? Create a seamless travel system. If booking a trip takes you three months, let tech cut that to a few seconds. Packing a headache? Simplify your choices.

Hate airport lines? Check out programs like CLEAR for fast-lane access. Scared of breaking the bank? Dive into airline loyalty programs for sweet deals. Put everything in place that makes travel easier for you.

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It’s a year of chill travel. And I’m betting it can be a game-changer for you. But you won’t shake things up by sticking to the same old routines. Remember, big changes start small.

Don’t stress yourself into a frenzy. Take those small steps that move the needle. By the end of the year, you’ll be giving yourself a high-five for a job well done!

Thank you for reading!🤗

Share some of your travel resolutions for the year in the comments. You might be encouraging someone to take the big leap.

Speaking of chill travel, cut out the planning loop by using Trameter — the travel app that uses your preferences and budget to plan your trips in 90 seconds! It’s coming to the App Store soon.

Pre-install Trameter now on the App Store. Once released, it downloads to your device and your journey to seamless travel experiences begins with a tap.



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